merc 40hp starter problem

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Feb 20, 2007
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I have a 2001 merc 40 hp ,, sat moring started fine, went fishing and then starter went out,, fortunatley trolling motor got us home,, I can hand turn the starter and it will pop up and engage the fly wheel,, but will not pop up via the key , it will turn but not pop up,, is the entire starter shot,, or the bendix? how easy to replace? I looked at the starter and looked easy to take off ,,then I found one more nut at the bottom that I cant get to,,,so do I need to pull the boat out of the water and take to the dealer? they told me a new starter is in the $350.00 range,, HELP
Hey, johnnybub.... try this first. I used to have a 50hp Merc (same motor) and mine did the same thing. The starter pinion gear would not disengage from the flywheel sometime. I gave the shaft the gear slides up and down on a shot of white grease and it never bother me again. Can't say that this will for sure fix it but it's worth a try before you start handing out money.

It may not be spinning fast enough to kick the gear up. Could be just a weak battery, or the starter is getting weak, It should really kick when you hit the key.

The starter is very easy to remove. I would take it to a local starter/alternater shop and have them bench test it. Not to a marina, that would cost 3x as much for the same job.

I had my starter rebuilt locally about 4 years ago for about $50. New brushes, new bearings, etc.. never had a bit of trouble since.

I remember that there was a recall on that year, I could be worng but might be worth looking into.

Cass :D
BINGO... Try what Sooner siggested first. A friend of mine just up the street from me had the same problem. I researched it all over the net, though I don't remember just where I found it, and the suggested fix was white lithium grease.

If that didn't work I would sure as heck look into what Steve said.

Uncle Billy
its not the starter gear hanging up on the fly wheel,, it will not pop up,,, so Im going to try to put on a new battery and see if that fixes it,, I did look to see about taking off the starter myself and there is one nut on the bottom that looks like a bear to get to,,any secrets how to take off the starter

thanks all,, ill let you know if the batter fixes it,,

Where did you take your starter. I have been pull starting my 25 for a year now... I think it will pop up, but not turn over. Battery is new, so that's not it.

Rich D
How does it sound when you hit the key ?? It should spin hard and fast.

I would hook it up to my trolling battery and try it before I bought a new battery.;)

The inside of the bendix gear gets scarred up sometimes and hangs it up sometimes. Grease on the shaft usually frees it up,but eventually it will start to stick again. Usually at the worst possible time.:(

If you do remove the starter, be careful while removing the wire from the solonoid. As I found out,the solonoids break very easily.:angry:

My starter did the same thing. It would crank, but not much power, even with a new battery. And the cables would get hot enough to burn my fingers.

It's a place near me, Ruffsdale Generator, or something of the sorts. It is on rt 31, on my side of Smithton.

When my power trim motor went out,I found out there were no longer parts available to rebuild it. He made custom brushes, rebuilt the armature, and tuned it all up. $52 compared to a $1200 retrofit kit for a new trim motor. That was in 2004, and it still trims faster than it ever did.

If you want the phone number, I'll find it for you.