Memorial day mini rally

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Rob LaMoy

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
Reaction score
Good news, for those coming for the Memorial day fishing excursion, the bar across the road from my house has "The Happy Pike Derby" that weekend every year. I forgot I had promised a neighbor to fish it with him. I think it's $20 a person and the payout isn't much, but there is a big fish fry that night, etc. Anyone interested?
The pike tournament yes, I take it then instead of the cook out we would eat at the bar?
There is a bar, kind of across the road from my house, only one in town actually, called the Weathercock. It's an annual pike derby and a good time. There are some monster pike in Champlain. They fry them up and eat them after, or make them into chowder. Personally, I will NOT be eating any. Not a big pike fan. I don't know how early you have to enter or pay, but I will go over and find out tonight and post it tomorrow. For those of you coming up that morning, if you want to fish it, try to get to my house as early as possible that morning.

I still plan on having the BBQ, but we can migrate back over there for a game of pool if it's not too busy. I have my own, stocked bar and the BBQ is right out the door in the garage, so we're set no matter what the weather does for a post fishing feast.

If you don't like Coors light or Sam Adams....bring your own! LOL
I ate Pike in Canada (when in Rome....) and thought it was pretty good. That big fillet along the top of the back is awesome. The rest has too many bones to deal with. It's kind of like eating a lobster tail and claws and not bothering with the legs....LOL

If you are taught how to properly fillet a Pike those bones are gone... Also, I have a recipe for "boiling" Pike and serving with butter that is delicious... much better than Monkfish and very close to crab/lobster in taste...
Pike is every bit as good as Walleye, in my opinion. "Y-bones" are easy to filet out once you've been shown.

-they're awesome boiled like Greg says, too. "Poor Man's Lobster"


Can you e-mail me that recipe? It sounds perfect because I am poor and I LOVE Lobster...LOL

Are you talking about pike fishing on Saturday??

Bob G.
Just don't go up into the back of that bay up past the marina by the old RR pike in there......nope.

Tox, hate to break it to ya, but you'd be hard pressed to find ANY weedy bay on Champlain that didn't have a bunch of those PIA's in there.
Those little ones are fun if you are fishing with someone who hasn't caught a lot of fish. A medium set up with some of the cheaper spinnerbaits and you can catch em all day!

Hey, I wouldn't have even brought that one in the boat except it INHALED my favorite pop r', I wasn't gonna lose that bait!! Had one torpedo the boat after a jerkbait later in the day, got both me and my partner wet. LOL!!
