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Jim Brone

Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2002
Reaction score
If there are any folks who may have or have had this experience I'd appreciate your input.

I have had this pain in my lower back for a couple weeks now. It's pretty intense sometimes. I try to avoid sneezing right now because it gives me a sharp jolt of pain. The pain will migrate seemingly from the right along the lower back just above the hips to the left at times. Right now it seems to be worse on the right side, again level or just above the hip bone. There will be times when I have difficulty getting up from sitting or if I step the wrong way while walking I'll get a shard of pain. This bothers me a lot because I'm a very active person and I don't like to have to rely on pain killers to function normally. Any thoughts? Thanks

Jim N
Jim, it sounds like something is pressing on the nerves in your lower spinal cord. Have you tried resting it? Sometimes, if it's something brought on by injury, rest will allow any swelling to go down and the pain goes away. If it's there no matter what you do, you probably need a doc to rule out anything more serious than that.

My wife has gone through a lot of this in the last six months, symptoms very similar to yours. She's got gastro-intestinal issues that we thought might be causing it, but that all checked out fine. Finally, an orthopedist decided it was arthritis in her lower back. She's now had several rounds of steroid injections in her lower back joints for it, which gives her quite a bit of relief.

Lower back pain sucks. Hope you feel better soon.
Sounds like Kidney stone in away the pains seems to move but could be your SI joint in the lower back
Jim, type Sacroiliac into google and see if that matches your symptoms, mine goes out occasionally and will bother my lower back usually to one side of the spine or the other and into the hips and legs. (I should use a word stronger than bother, because it hurts like hell) If thats what it a Chiropracter can put it back in place and give you instant relief.
Man, you need a pro looking at that, you could have a disk issue, pinched nerve, or whatever. This is why docs are there, when you need them. If Advil won't make the pain go away, you need some relief. This ain't fatal, so get on in there.
Sounds like a SI issue. I have that problem alot after I hit myself with my own car and dislocated my right illium(sic). Had a Quack adjust it, now I just have pain and numbness from my hip, down the front of my leg and to the top of my right foot. From time to time I have sharp needle like jabs of pain.

I'd go to a real doctor first and save the beads, chicken feet and rattles as a last resort and use the ice for your favorite beverage.


Brad I'm glad you have relief from using a Chiropractor. My post wasn't a slam against you.
It could be anything. (Kidney stones, muscle flare up, pinched nerve, or disc issues) Go to a real Dr. (Not a chiropractor and get diagnosed. The only way to tell is to get a MRI and/or XRAY. I've had issues in the past with my back where I literally couldn't walk due to the pain, but luckily it was only my back muscles locking up. (Muscle relaxer + 1 week off work fixed the problem)

Good luck

I've suffered from this same type of back pain all my life. In fact I just missed 2 1/2 days of work just a couple of weeks ago. It hit me when I stepped off a stool at a lunch counter. That was all it took...twisting and extending my leg 6 or 8 inches to stand up. I've done it sneezing. I've done it twice when I got the boat on the trailer crooked and tried to shoulder it on straight.

Over the years I've learned a few tricks to get back in the game. Here's what works for me.

First of all I don't even play a doctor on TV so if you feel like this is something more serious than a muscle spasm and a pinched sciatic nerve then by all means go see a doctor. If it is "just" a muscle spasm most docs will give some sort of muscle relaxer like Soma and some sort of pain reducer like Lortab or sometimes a corta-steroid type of anti-inflammatory. He will tell you to stay in bed for a few days and ice it. That works pretty good. If you want to save the trip to the doc you can take regular over the counter Ibuprofen....if you don't have any stomach problems. Prescription strength Ibuprofen or Motrin is 800mg. That's 4 OTC Advil or equivalent. You can take up to 2400mg every 24 hours for 3 or 4 days with out fear of stomach damage....once again if you don't already have an ulcer. Some extra back rubs with some Icy Hot or Ben Gay from your wife... or girlfriend....or both if you can swing it ;) , will substitute for the muscle relaxers. Rest as much as you can with your legs supported with a pillow under your knees. I know heat feels better but an ice pack will get you back on your feet faster. Ice the area for about 20 minutes every hour or two.

I believe that Chiropractic is helpful, especially it the sciatic nerve is pinched. They really can relieve some of that pressure and get everything adjusted and lined up right. I have been to several and I am skeptical of them and take everything they say with a grain of salt...but I do the same with my regular medical doctors as well. I just started with a new one and he is helping. I'll have a better verdict after this tournament I'm fishing in this weekend.

It could be a muscle issue which means RESTING it is what you need. Otherwise go see a Doctor, probably an Orthopaedist first. Do NOT go to a chiropractor, your lower back is nothing to play with. You are more than likely going to have to get an MRI but that's the best way to see what's what. Trust me, ask most anyone here, my back credentials are impeccable:lol: Seriously, I have had very bad lower back problems for two years now with not a lot of relief in sight. So, go to a REAL Doctor and get yours looked at!!

Uncle Billy
If you have never been checked out by a pro,do so,have MRI,bone scan,and xray taken.I have the same pain,and have had it for 30 yrs or more.Always went to a GP and he would say lumbar spine,give me some pills and in a month or so it would be so so,until i had to stand for any length of time.Went to a specialist a few years ago and found out I have 2 bad disks,and one of the two is paper thin.The paper thin disk is my bottom most disk,so it is like bone on bone.I also get numbness in my hip while driving for long periods,tingling in my left foot/toes,,,,don't go to chiropractor until you get checked out.
Thanks for the concerns and all the great advice. I knew I came to the right place.

Thanks again.

Jim N
I'm an ole weight lifter/bodybuider for 40 plus years plus a physical education teacher for 35 years but most of all, I have re-occuring back pain since 1978 and if it's muscle and not disc related, as sooner fan said......ICE IT.....I keep 3 gell ice bags in my freezer and use them on and off when back pain starts. Wear a support belt, like the ones the guys at Home depot wear whenever you are doing lots of bending or lifting. Take something for inflamation when it's real bad and rest when you can. Good luck.....kenny