Measuring Fish

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Scott Smith

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2002
Reaction score
Anyone know the mathmatical formula for estimating the weight of a fish using length and girth...??
Google search:
I take the length of the fish and divide by 2 and that equals the weight. a 10" bass weighs about 5lbs. What a wonderful world I live in! :wub:

i don't measure anymore unless they are over 18, and then I weigh with a scale:unsure:
Guesstimate its length then subtract 5 inches.

Guestimate its weight and then subtract 2 pounds.
Take the square root of the length multiplied by the hypotnuse, divide that by 3, then calculate the void space of the diameter of it's mouth, and subtract 4. Then, after all that is done, drink a beer, call it 10 lbs, and throw him back in. :lol:

All the best,

Glenn,...I wanna go fishin' w/you sometime!! LOL. I can't imagine the size of the super-toads we'll catch!!! :rolleyes:

Somehow, I think y'all are trying to lead me astray..

I was asking, because we are having a little work bass tourney, and since not all the competitors have livewells and are too cheap to buy scales, we are going to measure and release...then calculate it all up in the end.
Smitty if you have a golden rule they put the extimated weight on the scale next to the inces mark.

Might be of help!

Thanks Randy...I do have one and I am aware of that feature, however getting 12 other cheap fellas o blow the dust off their wallets and get a scale or golden rule is another matter altogether...!!! LOL
That's a novel idea, and I like it. Just take your 5 longest fish and go by total inches. The bass will wll be released in better condition this way. I think riding bass around during the summertime ought to be illegal anyhow.
Smitty: If I'm reading your post correctly, you're going to be operating the tourney on an honor system--catch, measure, and immediately release. If this is true I think I have scoresheet at home that might help. It was one that KS Youth bass used for one of their state tourneys. You mark down the fish you catch by size and it shows how many points you get for that fish. You could count them all and let them take the top 5 or mark down the first 5 keepers and that's what they get. I'll look for it when I get home.
Length x Length x girth and divide the total by 1200 this formula will get you real close to exact weight.

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