Man dies in boating accident

  • Thread starter Steve Rizza [URL]
  • Start date
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Sad story. Man, if the life vests aren't saving the lives lately what's the problem?
That is a sad story. Cold water can still cause hypothermia whether you're floating or not.

Bob G.
The water was between 42 and 45 degrees on friday.And dummy me was out there all alone and never saw another boat all day.
Whith the rivers so high in Western PA right now, why would you risk your life in a small boat to go fishing? I've got cabin fever really bad but it's not worth risking my life for...

The preserver will only keep your head above water. Hypothermia can and will do you in if you happen to fall into the water and are not able to get out in a timely manner.

I do not have the table, but there is a timeline that shows how long you can survive in the water at the waters temperature. The colder it is the shorter ammount of time you have to exit the water.

You can get hypothermia in water as warm as 80 degrees. You can just survice longer in it as it is warmer.

Couple of people died yesterday when a ferry BLEW OVER in high winds in Baltimore. I was doing the BPS show and let me tell you the tents were flapping!!

That story hits too close to home for me. I've been thrown into cold water after a boat collision and hypothermia comes on quickly and there is nothing you can do about it except get out as fast as you can. No pun intended, but i still get chills when I see a stiry like that.

Ya'll be careful out there!!

Sad story. Interesting they were all wearing their life preservers. On one hand, the life jackets could safe your tail, In other cases, they prevent you from swimming...especially those big foam orange things. You can't move in them so you're stuck to bobbing like a cork or trying to paddle on your back. If rough water it's a HUGE challenge.