Man Cave rooms:)

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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2002
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O.K....I'm curious how many guys here at NTOWS have actually confiscated one of the bedrooms of your house and converted it to a "Man Cave" (Tox will get a kick)!

I've been workin' on mine a few years now and I'll get some pic's this weekend:) Anybody else?


If ya' wanna' see my First Man Cave...go to my library:)

Somewhat. However, I fully realize (after 31 years of marriage), that NO ROOM IN THE HOUSE BELONGS TO ME. This includes the garage, toolshed, and even the boat when the wife decides it's time to 'clean it up'.

We have a full walk out basement on the back/bottom of the house. It's got bathroom, spare bedroom, game room (no games in it right now), den and full wet bar. The Bar area is mostly mine. Other than the supply of liquid refreshements, the bar also contains most of my fishing tackle/supplies.

No recent pics, but it's pretty nice. It stays pretty cool down there, so the wife stays upstairs quite a bit. I believe that I will consider it to be my man-cave.

See Tex...You didn't whip her into shape and explain things first did ya'? Or did ya' and she laughed..Bwahahahahaha!:)
Mine is right off the Dining room. I call it my trophy room. Room has my fish mounts and all my plaques from tournaments, plus the computer.

Forgot completely that Dave has been in the cave. I'll have to snap some pic's, and post up.

And Dave, I can't begin to tell you how cold all that beer was the next morning when it came time to take it out of the 'buckets'!

Mine has Been Dubbed the GarageMahal by alot of the guys on the BBC Website.... It's actually a 35' X 35' Garage with two 10' auto garage doors, Insulated, air cond, and heated built in the back yard. Has full size "refreshment" Fridge, Ceiling fans above the stalls for when the boats are wet, A/C recepticles above the battery compartment along with Distilled water hose for batts coming from the attic...Pegboard on most of the walls to hang Tackle, Surround Sound system, along with Cable LAN so that I can be on here in the Garage. Oh and let's not forget the Drop down hammock fer naps....I call it da biggest dog house in the neighborhood!! Stop by for a cool one if yer in the area......LOL
I get to keep some old issues of Bassmaster magazine on the back of the toilet. Does that count?

I have plans for my basement, but not yet...
Well, the only thing I did was bolt my recliner to the floor in front of the big screen and the wet bar is directly behind me. Yeah, man cave or testosteroom as Mac call his!! I'm pretty much set. 57" wide screen, 650 watt home theater and BOOZE!!!LOL I can survive for days in here!!
My whole basement is finished and it's MY man-cave!! I have a 4th bedroom down there too that is actually my "Testosteroom" where my trophys and fishing pix's are, Master Angler awards, etc, etc are,..along with another bathroom. But the main room in the basement has my big screen TV,...wrap-around leather couch and surround sound system,etc. The oak paneled walls are decorated with nature pictures, photo's and some of my framed cartoon artwork. I also have a fully stocked bar down there and all kinds of knick-knacks and cool stuff to look at. It's MY part of the house. When we first saw the place, I told my wife,.."This is it!! We GOTTA have this house...and I get the can do what you want with the rest of the house,..but I get "dibs" on the basement!!"..She AGREED!!

LOL. We even do 2 XMAS trees....a more formal "Girly" tree upstairs....and I have a "Manly Tree" downstairs, which is decorated with all "outdoors related" ornaments, like Fishing lures, Fishing Santa's, boat's, S&T Fish ornaments, ducks, geese,'s really cool when it's done!

The whole family enjoy's the man-cave,..but my wife and daughters know they will be severely reprimanded if not flogged, if they ever tried to "feminize" my sq.footage!!

I love it down there!! And all of my buddy's, family and friends all have the same reaction when they go down there for the 1st time....they all say,.."Sweeeeeeeett!!!"..LOL

Many a good time has been had down there by ALL,..that's sacred ground! (I just wish the ceiling was 6" higher)...

Oh,..almost forgot,...I do let my wife have free reign of the laundry room,...that will always be HER space!! She has life time free passage through the man-cave into "her room"..LOL (I'm so glad she'll never read this post...i do need my undies washed!!)

I don't have one because I want my wife with and around me 24 hours a day..


Bill - YOU DO Have a ManCave!! You just need to get Nancy's STUFF out of the Pool Cabana, it's PERFECT, even has it own Front Porch!!! For rocking and drinking while you invite the neighboorhood honney's to swim in the pool!!! DO IT!!!


PS - Don't tell Nancy I suggested it, she may not let me come over next year!!! LOL
Rhonda is an awesome decorator and has decorated each of the homes we have lived in. She leaves NO space for me....SO...about 9 years ago I bought a whole new MAN CAVE HOUSE!!!

It's about 2 1/2 hours north of our main home, up in the woods, bordered by over 400,000 acres of the Huron National Forest.

It's dubbed "Camp Neeley", and although Rhonda has helped in the decorating, it's all done in the outdoor style.

1650 sq. ft. of MAN CAVE baby!!!!

In fact, Marke, Jill, Rhonda and myself are heading up for the looong weekend in a few hours.
Just 2 more months until the 5th annual "Camp Neeley" extravaganza!!!!!!!!

Hey Mac, I'll see if I can take some pics this weekend and post them here when I get home.
MAN Fatrap - I can IMAGINE The thief who slides into your basement crawlspace window, turns on his flash light one night!!! That would cause a HEARTATTACK!!!!

Neeley - MAN I had envisioned this 200 sq ft SHACK in the mountains, sort of like the Unibomber's place!!! LOL Jeeze, Camp Neeley is bigger then my first 2 HOUSES!!!!

Sweet layout guys!!!
What a great place Ken! Tango huh? My two Goldens, Buddyand Sandy wanted to see the pictures when I mentioned him:)

Anyone who owns a golden can't be half bad at all...

Thanx guys....and Bill...I loooove golden's, but not all the hair!!!

I'll post some tales from the weekemd tomorrow.
Nice!! That is one serious projection set there!! You need more speakers!!LOL!! Where are your rears? I don't see them in the pics? The towers are nice.

Ahhhhhhh....there they be. Man would I love to watch (and listen) to the pod race from Star Wars on that setup. Where's your sub? I sat mine in the open and when some of the pod racers come around a corner the sub moves enough air that you can feel the "puff" on your face!! That freaks a lot of people out. I actually saw a unit that you wired to the underside of your chair/couch that sent sound and vibrations up through the material.

My sub is in the rear of the room. Yeah those are called butt kickers , you attach them right to your seating. I have toyed with the idea of putting those in. I think the movie I get the most response on is saving private ryan or U571,lots of low end.