Mad, Anger, Sad and Confused!

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Jon Jackoviak

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2001
Reaction score
Has anyone ever just wondered what this world is coming to and what kind of mentality some people have. I am really sorry to post this here, but I was hoping some prayers could be said.

Last night, a really good friend of ours (34 years old) was shot and killed by her ex-husband, then he shot himself, committing suicide. The divorce was going to be final tomorrow. She has no brothers or sister! The thing that really gets me mad and breaks my heart is that there are 2 young kids involved. (5 & 7 year old). The kids are staying at our house until things get situated with custody to the grandparents.

It just breaks my heart that these 2 young kids have to deal with their dad killing their mom, than killing himself, for the rest of their lives.

Like I said, I am sorry to post this here, but we just hope that everyone could think of these 2 kids in there prayers.

Jon Jackoviak
Jon, That's rough. Bless you for taking care of them. I volunteer with kids who have faced similar situations but no one rescued them from the madness. You're a good man!
Terrible. My thoughts are with them.

Rich D

It saddens me to hear this as I have two young children and could not imagine them being on there own without me and my wife. Thank God for people like you, to help those children.

I will pray for them.
Jon, I too wonder about the world these days. Bless you for caring for those children. My families prayers are on the way..

My wife and I have raised 6 and I have a special fondness for children. Really breaks my heart to hear that.
Just love those kids that is what they need now and for the rest of their lives

Our close friends had to deal with a similar issue, now almost 18 years ago. The father killed the mother and maternal grandmother (he did not kill himself, but got 20 years...only 20!). The daughter was adoted by her maternal aunt and uncle and is a friend of my daughter. It has never been easy for Katie to understand why her father killed her mother... And, I am sure that she never will... But, she has "thrived" because of the love given her by her family (aunt and uncle adopted her) and her mother's friends who stayed involved in her life.

You are doing a good and loving thing by being there for those kids... If you can stay involved and reinforce the memory of the mother for them it will help. It will help a lot...
after reading this story i cant even put my thoughts into words. Its a truly sad story, and i cant stop thinking about those poor kids. Its just a shame stuff like that has to happen.

Jon, for some reason, I can't get to member profiles right now, so I have no idea where you're located. If you're around Dallas and need anything, give me a hollar.

The grandparents may not be able to deal with being parents again. I can't imagine either set of grandparents raising my daughter. Of course, we've already taken care of who gets the baby, so it's not an issue for us.

I do FULLY understand not being at a place in one's life where they can take on the extra responsibility.

If there's anything I can do to help, don't hesitate to email me mikesnow (at)

I wish you my very best.
There's not a lot one can say to something like this, other than keep your head up for the sake of those kids. They have been introduced to the ugliness that is this world way too early. Give them every opportunity to enjoy what they can of their childhoods after this event. May they in time not forget their parents, but forget what happened. At least they are safe. When I hear of these people that kill their own children, it makes my skin crawl and blood boil.
wow.......that is a truly terrible situation.

My heart truly goes out to those kids,and also to you and your family for being there when they need you.

Words can not describe the sadness and loss of something like this, you are truly a great person for taking these 2 in and making them part of your family.
