Mac's Father

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gone bye bye

Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2000
Reaction score
Talked to Mac today and he informed me that his father has made a turn for the worse. He has been in a coma for the last few days and the family has decided to remove him from all of the medical machinery that is keeping him here. They do not expect him to make it thru the night tonight (Sunday).

Please take a moment and pray for Bill, his Mother and the rest of his family.

I will post any details that I get from Bill.

Thank you....

Thanks, Mini........ I don't pray often........ But I will say a some for Mac, his father and family........

God bless

Thanks for the pdate Mini.

Just when you think life is going great something like this hit's ya.

Good luck Mac.


My thoughts are with you and your family.

Rich D
My thoughts and prayers are with Mac and his family, but to be blunt, that just bites! It doesn't seem fair, but I guess we have to accept that God's ways may not always make sense to us.