Mac for the price you have it at ,don't tempt me! If I would have bought your NITRO 2 years ago I would be buying the RANGER now! lol sav vy..aaahahahaha Next years boat Big year.
I thought they came with so much stock from the factory, then it was up to the owner to add more. If you're givin it away, I'll take some. My rig is pretty full but could always use more!! Be careful that you don't run too low!!
BTW-....the guy that's buying my boat called me back today,'s still a go..he want's to try and hook up this weekend or next at the latest (guess I better get the rest of my tackle outa there!)...GiterDONE!!!! LOL
I think I left a $100 bill in there.. or maybe a $20...or it could of been just some loose change... Anyway, just send me any money you find... I'm sure it's mine.. OKay?