Mac - Here's proof of the shirt

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Teri C.

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
Here is proof I wore the shirt for the Day 3 weigh in. I was interviewed but my keepers were small so nothing to show off. I do love the shirt and will wear it when I get to the next weigh in. I might be cut from the April tournament (not enough pro's) so it might be June before I get to wear it again.

Sweet,...i never doubted you anyway....but I'm glad you like it!! (I thought maybe you squirted mustard or something all over it!!:blink::wacko: )..LOL

You go Girl!!:wub:
I was worried more about the "something"

The stalker 2 rooms down from me at Motel 6 wishes he did....kept calling my room around midnight.
you mean he left the light on for ya? lol

shoulda kicked him in the dingleberries and then unplugged the phone. :)
I will be traveling with Mr. Glock from now on. He's 26. :wub: I did unplug the phone after the 3rd call.
Aw shucks. Too bad Hooter girls are your taste. :D
Sorrry Teri,I thought Is was a wrong number, I was calling 1900 I Wish....HA HAHA HAHA Isn't It cool to be wanted..Only ones wanting me are credit card co's,Banks and them damm Hosp..just got out again, been trying for a new record,,Hosp everyother week and I always leave something..(besides money).....:) P.S. HOOTERS someone say Hooters

I think I like Gator girls better these days, or even better the Twin Peaks girls....WOW!

But all that will come to an end if my deal with Hooters goes through!
I was at a Bank Closing in Nebraska where an old professional baseball player owned a sports bar called Ballz and like the Hooters girls, his had on the same type of attire except on their shirts they had the saying,

"Who Needs Hooters When You've Got Ballz"!!:lol::lol:

we got a small "chain" of 5 called "Between the Buns", while not hooters girls, the shirts/slogans are all double meaning
Ever seen the Twin Peaks girls?????
You guys should be ashamed!

You would rather have 5 minutes with some big ti++ied b!+ch than a lifetime of happiness with mah. :cool:
5 minutes? HA! I wont even start when that buzzer goes off :)

And why cant I have both??? :)
got me double clicking now
See, just the thought of it makes a man unable to even type. Sheesh!

I guess you could have both if I went and got some DD's. :lol:
Oh I can type, its the mouse finger that gets a little wiggly!

I will refrain from posting that I could start the


Edit...ok I cleaned it up!
LMAO!!!!!..(I hope i get this laptop cleaned off before Kathy gets home!!):lol::lol:
Well I see tha this group is not going to be allowed to be left alone again...

Rich just lost the PG rating from Net Nnay..:eek:
It's all your fault Teri,You could of hated fishing,then where would you be? justnother good looking lady on the computor....

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