Lund and Alumacraft forced to stop production!

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Mark Gross

Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2002
Reaction score
LAMAR ,The other day I heard a commercial local channel about a large about boat sale.Lots of boats for sale scatch and dent, repo's, damaged, new ,and some used part of the pitch was that because Alumacraft and Lund were forced to halt production.

Crestliner was not included.

So does that mean there no more? I see a big push on advertizing for Creastliner and little or nothing onthe other two.

All three of these boats are ocourse made here in Minnesota I beleive.

What do you guys thing about this.

I suspect it's BS car-dealer type stuff, but if you find something with great prices, please do keep your buds informed, and me too :)
I don't think spreading a rumor like this without proof is acceptable. If you have proof, then disregard my comments.....otherwise.............

These are two BIG companies.

Hey, it happens all the time. Nitro was forced to halt production when all of their users got off work today. Chances are, they'll start production back up on Monday. Again, I think it's some bad car-sales type gimmick.
It's a well known fact that Jen-Mar owns all three companies as you put it...and that they recently sold them to Mercury.My thought was that they may doing away with the two to concentrate on one,Crestliner.

I take offence to youy wild suggestion that some how I'm spreading rumors when I was only disribing what I SAW AND HEARD ON T.V. Also observe the question marks????????????

They mean I was asking A question!!!!! Not making a statement thank you very much.

Have a good weekend.

Given the "demise" of the RCL... Do the dealers see an opportunity to put more Alumacrafts into the hands of Pros... It seems like Polar Kraft has seen this as an opportunity to step up sales by getting into that arena...

I know I feel more inclined to shop for a new hull next season based on what I truly want/like in a boat rather than consider anything plus or minus just because of brand...

You sell Alumacraft and what engines?
My sister-in-law works for Alumacraft at their St. Peter, MN plant..She works on the boats putting in the carpet and stuff. She has not seen any work slow down. In fact from the way she talked, sound like they are really doing good this year."A"


Thank you gentlemen,That's all I was asking for in the first place.Input as to what was true or not,and I came to the one place I now I could find it!

I'm still having a lot of physica challanges as well as mental function.Its sometimes all I can do to post.That little accident last fall still has me pretty screwed up^

But I'll beat it to death before it beats me!

Love this board,the posts and the people if we ever meet though don't try to huge

My cousin owns Alumacraft....they're in great shape. No worries mates.....

Don't ask me,.......Send'em your resume' LOL

My first boat was a one and only experience with tin! That was enough,...bwwaahhhaaaaaaaa!!
Dear Alumacraft,

Mac says you're his cousin. I want a FREE new boat please. Nothing shorter than 18', and at least a 150 on the back. Mac will vouch for me. When will it arrive? Thanks.