Louisville KY or Nashville TN

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Teri C.

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
I am actively looking to relocate to one of these areas. Does anyone work in Information Technology in either of these cities? Need some pointers on what companies to target. I am specifically looking at Humana.
I am thinking of moving to Tenn..I am going down and look at property>>> I will check with my friends for you..JR
Teri, come to Dallas. You can come kick my butt anytime you want (which may be frequently). Last I heard, TN still didn't have a state income tax, but the governor kept trying to push it through. I think KY is exempt as well from state income tax because of the revenue they get from tobacco.

Two taxes that got me good in MO were state income tax and personal property tax. TX has neither, I don't THINK TN has either one. One other thing to keep in mind is gas prices. TX and TN are within about a nickel of each other. Again, no info on KY. Housing costs between Dallas suburbs and Nashville suburbs seemed pretty similar as well. I was offered a job in Nashville a few years ago, but declined the offer.
Remember that Ky,and Tenn have Dry counties...Got to get a wet county..HEE HEH Tequila...(actually I stopped with that stuff) Still great for conversation.....Jr
My cousin lives in Dallas. Haven't really looked there but I did like it when I visited. I was offered a job in Omaha NE for a bucket load and I just can't move there even though it's close to family. I am trying to stay close enough to my cabin that I don't have to sell it. I like those two cities alot.
If you go to Louisville you will end up blowing all your money on the ponies.

Sure is a pretty city though.

From what I saw while white knuckling the steering wheel at 80 mph while pulling the boat through rush hour traffic in a rainstorm......
I live in Ky...we have taxes and plenty of them. Tenn does not, they have a higer sales tax. I have been to both cities..Nashville is far cooler. You have Old Hickory, Percy Priest, Cumberland River and your a stones throw from KY lake, Guntersville and a few more.....trust me you will love Nashville, I almost moved before I met my wife. If you need some additional info. give me a holler, I got alot of buddies that live and fish there.


Hey Teri...

What exactly do you do? I am a network engineer... Certified kind... ANd, have certificates from Microsoft, Novell and Apple... too...

Seriously, let me know... we have a network of consulting firms that we are affiliated with... I'll check around...
Greg, I am not really interested in consulting. I know I could make a ton of money but I don't want the travel or the headaches of finding new contracts all the time. I want a place to hang my hat and make enough to support my habits.

For the last 4 years, I've focused on SAP. Now I am mastering web development and trying to integret the two for our company.