lost my job, I have time to fish now.

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Todd Colesby

Active Member
Apr 27, 2004
Reaction score
My move to the new house is complete. My wife and kids will be moving up next week. Now I am unemployed. I have pleanty of time to fish now only trying to find someone else to fish with is hard everyone else works. All kidding aside, If anyone knows someone looking for a 901 please have them get in touch with me. there are a few pictures in my library. TODD
It is/was an unplanned event. one week after becoming unemployed I was to close on my new house. I had the old house sold, and to much money tied up in the new one not to buy. I guess I have the time to do the landscaping if only I could spent the money. I guess this is the main reason for wanting to sell the boat. TODD
Chin up Todd. All things happen for a reason. Keep that positive spirit and you'll be working and waiting on fridays before you know it.

Da Bear
What's up Todd? You doin' OK?

You aint' missing anything over here. Same old crappola.
Yea jim I am doin good. We still bought the new house and moved as planned. I know I can survive being unemployed. It was the homeless part I was concerned with. Which is what started the whole problem that Friday. I still have not had the boat out this year. mabey in the next few weeks if nothing else happens I will get it on the kankakee river it is only 10 miles from the new house. TODD
Best of luck. If you are thinking about selling the boat, what are you looking to get for it?

Put it in the swap n sell, and see if you get any nibbles.

I have it listed there at $18,000 I bought it in Feburary 2004 NEW There are a pew pictures in my library. TODD