Lord Please......

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Teri C.

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
let me go fishing this weekend and actually catch something.


It's been sunny and 60-70 all week in Nashville and now they say it's suppose to rain tomorrow. Now why is it sunny all week and cruddy on the weekends. It's happened like 3 weeks in a row. :angry:
Sorry but when we are suffering throught blizzards here in the central part of the country you all should suffer also. Thats just the way it is/should be.:)
I got to remove mine from its ice caccon this weekend. I wasnt around the last time it snowed and it built a reanny nice ice dam around the boat's trailer. Im not moving that thing an inch until that ice is gone and i have to move it this weekend from its storage spot.

I see a lot of pounding with an ice breaker in my immediate future.
We are starting to see some water up here. There's a couple of feet of soft stuff around the edge of the ice.

Right now it's still too hard to float a boat,,,but too soft to drill holes in. I hate this time of year, the rivers are flooded, so I can't even go there.:(

Oh well, I'm going drinking.
.....but I'm a delicate flower! :wub:

My daddy always said, "**** don't melt, it runs so get your a$$ out of the car!"
WAAAaaaaaaa....Want a little chesse with that whine? Get out in the rain and catch a load of fish. I always liked fishing in the rain unless it was a monsoon and always seemed to have better days! I'm a delicate flower too Teri but I'd go if I could...:rolleyes:

Uncle Billy
Teri...time to hit Dale Hollow.:cool:

Get out there and tangle with some REAL fish!:lol:

Right now is the time to start...once it comes outta' the upper 40's and climbing into the 50's...HANG ON!

If you need any info...MY Sh!+ is READY! :lol:
Tee, I don't know how to fish for those deep ones. I tried dropshotting last weekend and not much luck.

I did get rained on!!! Aren't you proud of me? :D

I caught a few tiny largemouths and a few stripers. It was nice to be on the water.