Looking for Tin

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Teri C.

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
The kicker plate on the Nitro isn't working out so well. I am considering investing in a small tin (I can hear the tin men now) to put my 9.9 on. I am having trouble deciding what to get. Looking for cheap and used with no motor. Besides a heap of metal, I haven't found anything. Started looking at new and can't decide. I would like to have a little storage and maybe a rod box so the basic jon is out for me, would like 14'-16'. I have ordered one last plate attachment to try for the Nitro, if not I'm reinvesting in tin. Suggestions?
Teri, I bought my PT 17 3 years ago as a "demo". A dealer in Corbin KY sells a few but usually has a ton of used tin boats also. The only problem you may run into buying a "demo" is getting the title (probally true in anything you buy that has a title). I had a little dificulty getting mine but the dealer in Corbin hooked me up and agreed to pay any fines I encountered untill it arrrived(plus he gave a letter to prove it to the Conservation Officer if needed). Other than that, I wouldn't worry a demo boat this could be an option for you that save you some money.

Unless you are planning on spending a lot of time in the tin boat I would stick to looking around for something used. I have a Pro Angler with a 9.9 that I am very happy with. Yes, I would love to have a bigger glass boat but I fish 95% of the time in HP restricted lakes so it make no sense.

It may take a little more work to get you kicker set up correct buy I think the time and effort would be worth it.

You will find that 2 boats are a pain in the @ss and you would be better off if you just get the right setup on the bananna boat. I have unique circumstances wherein I can't put my boat on some of the small lakes around my house so I have to ave a second boat. PVC built for two, troller only!! It is still a pain getting all of the gear seperated for a little boat trip.

Hey Teri,Take the whole setup to a welding shop and tell them what it is doing,and what you want it to do.I have seen some welders at the quarry that were geniuses.You tell them what you want,they think it over for a few,and start burning rods.It's amazing what some of those guys can do.

Steve R.
I have two boats,(actually three) and all I do, is have another tackle box setup for the little boat trips, or when I go with someone else. I like having two boats I can use, that way I can use the small one after the Nitro is winterized, and before I use it in the sping. Also, there are a lot of places near me, that I can't launch the Nitro. My small boat is probably something like what you're looking for, except no storage. I have my small boat setup like a bass boat, pedestal seat up front, with a foot controlled t motor.
Teri, what sort of problems are you having?? I have 3 boats (if you count the canoe as a boat!!) and I end up just using one most of the time. It's just too much trouble switching things around and I don't want to duplicate all the "stuff". I have a 9.9 kicker on my PT175. While it isn't perfect, it serves the purpose on restriced lakes. In the end, all you use it for is to get to where you want to fish and then you use the trolling mtr. So you really spend most of the time NOT running the kicker. Granted, it's slow and harder to put on the trailer, and I only put it on the bracket when I go to a restriced lake, but it does work... When my new glass gets here and the tin goes away, the kicker will stay for the glass...