I took my new 750nx out today.When I filled the live well up with water and fish it fills up but drains out all the time.It has one black drain on one side and a white one with a screen on the othere.ITs a pump out system with a black nozzle on one side and a white nozzle on the othere side.You can push the white one in or out to pump out or just fill up.The automatic mode will run constantly like the manual mode.No matter what positions I put the switches in it drains overboard out the back next to the bilge drain plug.The manual talks about a selector valve.I have looked everywhere but cant find one othere than pushing in and out on the white filler nozzle.Dose anyone have any ideas on this before I go all the way back to the dealer.I filled it up with water in the drive way and no matter what you select it runs straight thru and out the drain?