Leaky Compartment Lids

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Andrew Zuber

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
Reaction score
Has anyone with a ProTeam or a TV-18 tried anything to waterproof their compartment lids?

(other than buying a new boat?)

I wish!! All of mine leak except for the one right in the middle. A couple of weeks ago my Sospenders were activated while in one of the bins...I had to cover on too.

Andy, I've thought about this and think it can be done. Really all we have to do is mimic the fiberglass boats, but I'm quite unsure how much work is involved.
Yep...me too...

Been thinking of some sort of channel to run under the compartment lid...and water coming through hinge or sealing area would be directed by the channel to? Here's where I stall...I guess I'm assuming the water is going to get in, and I just want to direct it away from the contents in the compartments...but how and to where?

I don't know if keeping it out in the first place is feasible without major work/lid replacements/etc...

What do you think?

this might be redundant, as I dont know jack about the specific boat...

1. You want water to move thru the channels to a drain... perhaps all you need to do is drill a couple of small holes in the channels and then route (use aquarium tubing) the water from there into the bilge area.

2. Seal the lids better - add an "o ring" to the top ridge to help keep the water out.

Both of these ideas assume there is a channel with something "raised" on it... hell, if there isnt already something raised, perhaps adding the "o -ring" would be all that is required... something of a barrier.


The only barrier now is the carpet...

I think more water comes in through the hinge than the rest of the seal...

Without major re-engineering, I think your solution 1. would be best...just thinking about all the crap that could then clog the little holes or tubing...

It always rains here and I was so tired of everything wet in my PT 175. I started putting my gear in large, various sized, plastic containers (tupperware type) and then put the containers in the various storage compartments. It is a bit of a hassle but not as much drying stuff out after a day of rainy bassin.

Da Bear

Gave into the problem, huh?


I might be trying that too!

Andy - Take a look at the Avalanche pictures on trackerboats.com. Look close at the livewell picture, that's what we need!

Yep...that would do it...

My compartments in the back with the plastic 'tubs' stay dry...same concept - the tub lip fits up under the compartment lid...

But...those are nice small, square compartments...It would be tough to fit a 'liner' for the rod lockers!!!

Maybe I just need to stop carrying sooo much 'stuff' in my boat!!!
