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Ray Seifert

Sep 26, 2005
Reaction score
Thanks to everyone for their replys to my original post MY NEW BOAT WON'T FLOAT. Seems the access panel on the transom wasn't tightened the whole way. With the 20 in transom on my 03 targa 18, water tends to enter via the two drain holes in the transom and cover part of the circular access panel on the transom. A small amount of leaking occured when the panel was not torqued down.This supposedly caused my boat to sink at the dock. This sounds a little far fetched to me, but not impossible. Sounds a little more like the "single bullet theory". I have taken boaters safety courses and read literature about safe boating and trailering. Making sure this panel is "tight" does not come mind as an important pre-launch checklist item. Any thoughts? Yes the drain plug was in. Tracker is not interested in looking at my boat, and dealer,who I trust implicitly, can find not other leaks. It has been river tested, and no other leaks appear. I will probably ask the dealer to go over it one more time. Thanks to all for your help.

Good News-- :D

As I said -- this access panel on my 03 Targa had to be replaced because the rivets had cracked the plastic..Used SS screws on the replacement.

Have fun..


Thanks for replying again on this problem. First time I read your post, it did not click with me with what you were describing. Seems like we had the same problem. Thanks again for your input and patience.
