Leak and Hot Spot

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Dave Bressler

Aug 18, 2008
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I have a 1998 Tracker Nitro that I recently bought.

Problem #1 - When I run it, regardless of speed, after 10 minutes or so the carpet in the main compartment is soaked, so much so that it pools by the back of the passenger compartment (until I push it into the drain). I cannot figure out where the water is coming from - the livewells are empty and off and the bilge is fairly dry. When it just sits its dry.

Problem #2 - When I run, the floor under the driver's compartment feels hot.

Everything seems to be working fine.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

P.S. I do not have an owners manual. There is a bilge switch installed (to override the automatic sump switch), but the bilge only runs when the accessory switch is on. Is that correct - is there any way to have the bilge run without turning on the accessories?
Not sure where you mean when you say main compartment?

The only way to run the bilge with out the accesories switch on is to re wire it.

i would look for water getting in under the gunwale... While running this could be the cause and why when sitting nothing gets wet...

The hot spot baffles me... Yard gnomes with a small campfire?
Clarification - By main compartment, I mean the carpet in the main passenger seating area (as opposed to the front or rear decks). Thanks.
problem #1 could be a speedo or water pressure line that has a crack or fell off. They will leak a pretty good amount of water if that happens.

#2 i have no clue.
Jim B. you are correct. I had the exact same thing happen to me. The hose to the water pressure gauge fell off. The water is very warm coming out the end of the tube. Not sure about the bilge pump.
I think that Crank and Jim B hit the nail on the head, and that might answer both questions, especially since my water pressure gauge doesn't work. Any thoughts on the easiest way to get access to it? Is it just under the dashboard?
If you check under your dash, you will see a tube hanging there. It should be close to the back of the water pressure gauge. I just push mine back on. Crank
The water pressure hose plugs in right at the back of the gauge. You should be able to access from under the dash. That line will come out of the gauge and follow the wireing harness all the way to the motor.

That could explain the heat too since it comes off the motor the water may be hot.
Crank and Jim B, thanks a ton! I was driving myself and my neighbor nuts with this.
ONe thing you can do to prevent it from popping off and use a zip tie on the hose where it slides over the barbed fitting kind of like a hose clamp. It will keep it from popping off.
Have that little sucker pop off in the middle of winter running down the lake and before you know it you have a frozen pantsleg!!:lol: Don't ask me how I know....:angry::lol:

TOX.............HA HAH HA:lol::lol::lol: Hey, who's peeing on my leg!

The hot spot can be the difference between the hull in cooler water at rest and at surface temps when running. You should have a good piece of air under you on pad running which will be warmer than the water you were in at rest. That will create the summer warm up effect. Prepare for the converse come winter!:D

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