Lasik eye surgery

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Mark Gross

Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2002
Reaction score
Last Sunday I had Lasik eye surgery. I've worn glasses for 45 years.Never tried contacts because I always hated to mess with my eyes.Sunday I changed all that.Not being able to were regular sunglasses having to hold on to them while running on the boat,not being able to tie a knot in a lure without lifting my glasses,in the winter having my glasses fog up while hunting and much more all changed in 12 minutes.the differance is truly amazing.My sight continues to improve in the last couple of days. I will probably need reading glasses but that is nothing.

Has anyone else ever had this done?
Hey,...maybe by this weekend you'll be able to see into the future!!! LOL!!! Congrat's on the successful outcome!!!

Hey Gross - Congratulation. I too had it done a few years back but unfortunately, mine was not as successful. I was part of that 5% where it didn't do a whole lot of good. I have severe astigmatism (which I didn't have before), I also have presbyopia - nead readers for close work which is typical after lasik. They were not able to correct my right (dominant) eye and it is worse than before. Good news is the lefy eye is 20/20. I still have to wear glasses with bifocals. Would I do it again knowing what I know now. NO WAY, but I went into it with my eyes open (LOL) knowing that I had a 95% chance of success.

If anyone else is considering this procedure please ask your surgeon about the potential risks.

Best of luck with your healing process.
Do they have anything for guys that just need reading glasses? I can see a pheasant standing between corn rows fifty yards from the road traveling at seventy miles per hour but can tie a knot with my bifocals. Can't read or use the computer w/o the same.

Mine is reading, computer and a distance astigmatism. That's right, I now have trifocals. Tried the no line things, but they were a pain, because the field of vision (width) was too narrow. Had two pairs last year, one for driving/reading, the other for computer/reading. Now just one pair, that has polarized lens that change when the sun hits them. Works pretty good, but I also put 'fitovers' on in the boat, when it's bright out.

Don't think I will ever opt for lasik, since my biggest problem is reading and up close.

Hope the healing goes well, and it improves your sight. Many where I work have had it done over the past 2 years, and love the results.

Mac , I can already see far enough into the future to predict that you should stick with the art thing and forget about being a comedian for know ! LOL

Thanks for the congrats though.
I'm still thinkin' about it but, it just gets better and I'll wait a few and let the guinea pigs tell me if it's any good or not. Thanks Gross...

I had it a little over a year ago. My vision was 20/200. Now have 20/15 in right eye, and 20/20 in left. Would do it all over a gain. Spent $2700, insurance covered $500/eye, so I was only out $1700 out of pocket. Best money I have ever spent!!!!
I am planning on doing it next January. I'm going to use the flexible spending account to pay for it pre-tax. The guy in Orlando that I have gone to does the entire process with laser (intralasik), he doesn't use the little blade to cut back the flap. I only have bad vision at distances, will I need reading glasses once I get it done? What about the night time starbursts around lights??
Steven - Generally for people over 40 you will probably need readers. I have not had any starburst issues but know of friends who do.
this november will be 2 years for my lasik surgery. before that it was contacts and glasses. my eyes were 20/300 and 20/400 before the operation and now on eye is 20/20 and the other is 20/15. both together are 20/15. i did a LOT of research in my area and found one of the most experienced doctors on the east coast. luckily he was in my city. though there are risks, i went for it and am certainly glad that i did. no regrets at all.



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