Lansing fishing show

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Gene B

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2001
Reaction score
If you guy's are still thinking about going to the fishing show after bass class, you can order tickets on-line at Tickets are $7.00 at the door and $6.00 on-line. Let me know if you want to go, I'll try to check the board Thurs-Fri night(I've got classes during the day both days). See you saturday.

Aside from Hooter's and beer I don't have any plans after the seminars. I'm up for checking out the show after.

I'll spend the extra $1 at the door just in case the group decide not to go.
Did you guys see that 'school' starts at 0700 on Sunday this year??? Gets over at 2:30 (I think that day)...will give us a headstart on the drive home...

Starts at 0800 on Saturday, but I think the registration starts at like 0600 or something...I'm thinking I'll have to hit the road Saturday morning around 0445!!! Save me and Jake seats down front if you get there before us...we'll do the same...Let's see...should be at least 6 of us total, right???

Me, Craig, Gene, You, Jake & Smitty.....Yup, that's 6 of us. We'll save an extra because I think Smitty's T partner is coming too.

Please save me 2 seats, my partner is comin along and we were also planning on hittin the boat show on Saturday. We are drivin up Saturday morning, will be leaving White Lake about 0530 hrs.

Thanks, I'll see u fellas there.
What time were you picking me up Partner? I seem to remember something about 0500?

Sometime between 0500 and 0530. Why are we using military time?LOL
Hey why not us military time, HAHAHAHAH

Gets my wife all the time, I have to shift gears when I talk time to her :)
sorry bout the military time thing....its a work habit..drives my wife nuts