Land Rover Off Roading Trip

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Teri C.

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
I went on my first off roading trip with my Land Rover. Because of the rain we received, the creeks were flooded and we didn't get very far into it before we came across a creek that many of us decided not to cross. Even though we didn't get to go very far. I had a good time.

I did cross the 1st creek but decided the 2nd creek wasn't worth it. I attached a picture of a white LR3 crossing the 1st creek. This one is like mine and I crossed like they did. The green Discovery is crossing the 2nd creek which I did not attempt although one just like mine went across. I decided it wasn't worth it and I would go back next month when it's dry. Those creeks usually don't have any water in them. About half the group crossed the 2nd creek and the other half didn't.

There was a new Range Rover that attempted to cross the first creek and she went in WAY too fast. She flooded the engine and the electronic system just shut down. Stuck right in the middle of the creek. They pulled her out with a winch but her day was spent waiting for a tow truck. I felt really bad for her.

All and all a fun day. I am looking forward to going back next month. Hopefully the weather will cooperate.




Teri - glad you came out of this okay. However, I'm going to be critical here, and am not trying to offend you at all.

These pictures of the creek crossing could best be titled:

Our next candidates for the Darwin award.

Anyone trying to cross a very active and swollen creek like this in an automobile is simply looking to wind up in a body bag. At best it's dangerous. At worst, it's just plain stupid to take a chance like that.

This is the type of stunts that simply infuriate Emergency Personnel, that usually have to follow up and risk their life to save someone that should have known better.

If I come off being 'offensive' in my remarks, I'll certainly apologize. But this is EXACTLY how people get killed.

Again, glad that you are safe and had a good time.

Tex, I understand your concern. I was with a large group of people and the water was tested by the experienced off roaders before anyone crossed. They teathered the vehicles together and tested the crossing before anyone went. I felt comfortable with the depth of the 1st creek but not the 2nd. When the instructor does not go, I don't go. I watched several people go across the 1st one before I did. I do think this type of thing takes judgement. These vehicles are built to withstand 3ft of water and are designed for off roading. That's part of the reason why I bought the vehicle. Every one who crossed the 2nd creek was connected to a winch which was connested to an LR which stayed on the bank. If someone got in trouble, they could easily pull them back in.
That is excellent Teri, it looks like you had tons of fun till it got to bad.

While I agree with Tex's concern I do not share it in this case as it seems as though since you had instructors, safety equipment and good judgement in not getting in over your head. Pun intened. :D
No vehicle is designed to withstand running water such as is shown in the pictures. If gently flowing, maybe.

Again, not trying to preach, but seen too many stories regarding running water such as this.

It's nice to see someone actually using a vehicle such as yours as it was intended to be used.;) Those Land Rovers will go when the going gets tough,no doubt about it.

Get a deep water fording kit for it and you won't have to think twice about the deep water next time. My Jeep's air intake is at the top of the windshield, you will drown before it does.:)

Ok, every one has told me I am crazy for taking an expensive vehicle off road. All I can say is I had fun and I hope I don't damage it next time I go.

Bill, that last one is a vintage Land Rover made in the 70's and used by the British Army. I looked up that model and it's a 1977 101FC GS. Owned here in TN by a gal named Becca.
Not crazy at all Teri, just out enjoying what is yours. Keep on keeping on. :)

It doesn't matter what you paid for a ride, if you want to go out an rock crawl, snorkel (I suggest getting one for water crossings) or just get muddy it's your choice. The only advice I have is to have an alternate ride available for getting to work. It's inevitable that you will break something. It's great you are in a group and have an instructor, thats the smart and safe way to go.

Enjoy and get muddy! :D

Maybe it's the east Tn thing in me coming out, but MAN, THAT LOOKS LIKE FUN!!! I have always wanted to build a off roader for hitting the woods and crossing creeks in. That's on my "to do" list, only problem is my "honey do" list keeps getting larger and longer.

I admire you Teri, just be careful (Iknow you will).

WOW Teri!! You went from the Jeep to the Benz to the Rover and it was what? a week before you were part of the Rover off road club! Good going!

Just like some others have said, be careful out there!
Trep, I wouldn't have taken the Benz ML350 off road like this. No way! At times I wished I didn't sell it.....until I bought the LR. I liked the Jeep, no complaints except I had to take it in twice for 4wd problems and I didn't have it that long. I came out of those vehicles pretty well since I bought them used. No one believes me but I really think I will keep the LR unless it becomes a maintenance nightmare.

I am not really in a club. A group meets once a month to go off roading. They do have a club but I don't think I will join. I met some people from Alabama there who I think I will meet up to go off roading in TN and AL.