Lake Champlain Crew

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Marke Cicero

Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2001
Reaction score
Hey Bob, Rob & Buzz,

I'll be booking a flight back home for Memorial day weekend. I'll be fishing Winni for a few days with Curtis. We were kicking around the idea of heading to Champlain for a day two. Are any of you guys going to be around that weekend?

I think I'm going to fly Wed May 26. Fish Winni 27 & 28. Then Curtis and I come to fish Champlain 29 & 30. I could possibly fly home from Burlington Sunday night.

Hope to see you guys soon,


I usually have Fridays and Saturdays off. I may be able to get Sunday (5/30/04) off if I plan ahead. Either way, my wife or I can get you to the airport on Sunday night. Also, you and Curtis are welcome to stay at my house.

Bob G.

You're gonna leave the State on opening weekend for Bass???

I'm taking the whole week off work!!!


He knows what awaits him on the mystical waters of Champlain Andy. No need to stay in MI! LOL

Markey Mark, give me a call. I have sumpin going on 1 day that weekend, but cannot recall exactly what. I'm sure we can put you guys up and sneak a day in. Can Curtis been seen in public in a Ranger??? LOL No need to tow all the way up and waste the extra gas.

There's no Smallies on St. Clair until Mid-June. Sorry, but I can't wait that long....LOL If you're taking the whole week off, then you should come with me.


Curtis fished from Mac's boat last summer. I'm sure he could fish from yours...LOL

I'll give you guys a call. Is after 9:00pm OK? (free cell minutes).
Curtis caught the BIGGEST fish of his life out of MY Ranger last summer!!!...Rob's got his work cut out for him if he wants to run with the big dogs!!! LOL....Now put theat man on some toads LaMoy!!! Curtis,....make sure you remind him all day about how BIG that 'ski was,....LOL...Musta been a good 50" long!!! LMAO!!
LOL.....That fish gets bigger every time you tell the story. It was a good one though, 40+ inches. Maybe it'll be 50" this year.

And if Andy ever gets his butt back over here, maybe he'll catch it.
Promises, Promises...


I WILL get back over there this season!!!

"Mach",..wait'll I tell it again,'ll be a state record next time!!

LOL......BTW-I exagerated that fish's size on purpose,..that's what we do with "fish stories!" was a good 40+" anyway.....a NICE 'ski for sure!!!

(Post that pix again,....then we'll see how long before Me! says it's fake!!..ahahah)
Let's do a BBQ at Chateau de LaMoy again. Pierre can swing down. Bob, Buzz, and Doug can come over. Mark and Jon can sneak up. Could probably talk Tox into coming with enough brew and cigars. Mike O and Jim can make the massive 3 hour trip over. It'll be a regular smorgasboard of food, fish, and drink! Like Mac's toon.....a regular toadapalooza! LOL
My flights are booked. I arrive in Manchester at noon on May 26th. Then I fly out of Manchester at 5pm Sunday May 30.

Bob G.,

I'll call you tonight. We would like to head to your house on Friday night, if you don't mind. Then we don't have to worry taking the ferry or driving around the lake. Saturday we can fish then eat all Rob's food and trash his new house...LOL

We will most likely drive back to NH Saturday night after dinner.
Here you go Mac. Let's see if MaLoy can put us on some of these.