Lake Anna Shoot Out Results - Part Deux

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Bill Hamilton

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
Well we had another day on the water on Saturday although only Toxic, KB and I showed up. Weather was not the best but in the mid fifties with rain throughout the day. Tox and KB fished out of Toxic's lead sled and I was out for a half-day in my boat. Got my 12 or so and headed back in to see my granddaughter who came to visit.

Tox and KB stated on the water for the entire day and finally came back in around 6 pm after staring out at 0700. According to them they had a good day and caught some nice quality fish. I was a bit concerned becasue in the early afternoon we got thunderstorms with lightening. Fortunately, they tied up under one the many bridges, broke out the large stogies and drop-shotted under the bridge until the storm let up.

Can you imagine the stories that were swapped on board that boat all day. I know if I had been there my ears would have been burning with all the trash talk. LOL

Looks like we may have another group coming next Sunday. Carlos is bringing a buddy and I think Toxic is bringing one of his guide friends to fish the hot side. Join in if you like so just let me know if you can make it.

Thanks again Mr. Bill for the hospitality!!!!

Tox said he was posting proof of the fish!!!!

Ok, Ok.............The one picture of Bill didn't turn out....but here are some of KB and I.

First thing in the morning, right at sunup....


In the middle of the rainstorm.....


One of KB's better fish (he had a couple bigger but I was too busy fishing to take his pic)


My last of the day...


Im saving the pics from under the bridge:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Hey Tox and Bill - Those fish look more like Trepper fish!!! BWWWAAAAA

Great you guys got out, fished and CAUGHT something!!
Ahh but Trep........KB had a 15lb sack for the day (best 5). I would have had 11-12. Between the 2 of us we had 25 yea, I guess we caught something!!:lol::lol::p

Gotta love fishing in February!!


ps....Mr. Bill put more than 10 fish in his boat in a 1/2 day!!
Sorry for the bad weather day but you guys still had fun... I'll tell you, I want to get back there. Those bass, I guess because of the clear water, are deeply colored and beautiful fish.
Uncle Billy - You are welcome any time. I couldn't agree more on the color of the fish. I have never seen one that doesn't have vibrant colors and no minor sores or imperfections like some of the bass from other locations. Must be all that nuclear waste they live in. Haha

Just to let you know the one fish Toxic couldn't get a good picture of (mine) was a BIG bull bluegill, well over a pound. Pretty fish and can't wait til he starts taking care of his ladies on the beds. Time for flyrod and ultra light spinning gear!
Very Jealous guys!! Its SNOWING now in Atlanta if you can believe that!! No accumulation though as its 40 and was not below freezing but looks cool!

Weather looks cold and nasty the next week or so, so i may have to wait a few weeks to get back out :-(
