KY, TN or AR Lake Suggestions?

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Mark Hofman

Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2001
Reaction score
My wife is a teacher and is on spring break from March 18 through the 22nd. We'd like to try out a good-size lake in Kentucky, Tennesee or Arkansas.

At this time of the year, we'd really be interested in good lakes for crappie, but we always have bass fishing as a backup.

Any suggestions for lakes at that particular time of the year? Are there any clusters of lakes that we could hit on different days if we're staying in a central location (like Nashville or Memphis)? Thanks for the help!


If you end up in Central Arkansas around Little Rock or even better if around Hot Springs, you'll be in the middle of some of the best fishing around. Lakes Ouachita(48,000 acres/975 miles shoreline), Hamilton(7,200 acres), and Catherine(1,940 acres) are all on the Ouachita River. I live in Benton which 20 miles west of Little Rock. I can be on Catherine in 20 minutes, Hamilton in 30, and Ouachita in 40 (All of these lakes are within a 20 minute drive of Hot Springs, in fact, parts of all of them are almost in the city limits). Lake Degray(13,800 acres) which is on the Caddo River is about 45 minutes. All but Catherine has great. All are good bass lakes. All have Stripers and Hybrids (I love the Hybrids!). Of course, you also have the Lock & Dam system on the Arkansas River which includes Lake Dardanelle (34,000 acres about 1.5 hours north of Little Rock at Russellville). Greers Ferry Lake is about 80 miles north of Little Rock at Higdon, AR.

All but Catherine has great Crappie fishing is what I meant to say there...sorry
Kentucky Lake and Barkley Lake are the crappie capitals of Kentucky. I don't have particulars but lots of fishing shows have been made there catching crappie when they run. I don't know when they have the big crappie runs. You might be able to find some info on the web. There is certainly lots of water and places to fish. Good luck.
