KWIKDROP as a Sponsor

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Ken Neeley

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2001
Reaction score
Rich Stern said in another thread that he would leave it up to us, the members, to decide the sponsorship issue of KwikDrop.

I vote NO.

I could list many many reasons, but I'll give just one, using tournament fishing as an example.

Some anglers will take ANY sponsor they can get, without regard to the product, the company or whether they use the product or not.

MOST ethical anglers only accept sponsorships from ethical, moral companies that have products they believe in and use.

If XYZ bait company wanted to sponsor me, and I didn't like their baits, didn't use their baits and didn't believe in their baits, if the company has business practices that conflict with my own beliefs, or if they have terrible customer service with no desire to improve, I WOULD NOT take them as a sponsor.

It would be a bad reflection on myself if I accepted their money/product just for the sake of getting the money/product.

I could not endorse them or recommend them in good faith.

Once again, I vote NO.

Rich, we'll take up a collection to pay you 25 buxs a month to keep 'em off.....
I will pay for the hosting of this entire site and incur all the server/hosting/design expense.

My vote is also NO

Ah Democracy at work!!


Donnie says "YES" too but I won't let him post!!!

Don edited....he asked if he could change anyone's vote by offering them a free unit.
A quote from Toxic's post....

"You always have the choice to hit the back button and move on with a shake of your head".

What more people (me included) need to do instead of adding any more fuel to this stupid fire.

GEESH..enough already

let it go..

Your all right - its way outta hand - Sorry to all and to all a good night - My last posting on this site is this one - EVER.

Don Welker
Whoopdy do... Al is an over-righteous airbag in my every-so-humble opinion.

As far as I'm concerned, yes, let them sponsor.

Orv, you do need to put Don on a short leash or there will be no business for him to inherit.

Here is the canned response for hate mail he receives...

"I'm sorry to have bothered you with the email. I was looking for a way to tell fellow boaters about our new product. I will not bother you again."

That is NOT how the emails will come to you.. they'll be rude, because frankly, the 50 pieces of spam per day have no return address to email, so you get the anger and ire of those folks. Do NOT respond in kind. You ARE hurting the business by doing so.

Let me qualify that. Try one of the units and if you believe it is a good product, THEN let them sponsor. I'm not saying to let just anyone sponsor, but if the product is useful (even if not what YOU are interested in), then I see it as being a mutually beneficial arrangement.

I disagree with Ken's justification. As a tournament angler, by having a company sponsor me, I'm telling the world that I believe in their product. That means I USE it. However, if a kayak company approached me to sponsor my website, I'd have no issues with taking them as a sponsor. However, my fat butt ain't getting in no kayak. Base it solely on the merits of the product though.

I think what's happened here is that a dog pooped in the floor. He got swatted on the butt and said he wouldn't do it again. Then he got kicked several times and finally bit back in retaliation.


They never have given me an answer to why I recieved emails to my same addy....

BTW- i think you guys are flat rude....also...nowhere does it state that you have to own a Nitro or Tracker to be a member of this site...Staci/ME! has the same vote as everybody else...