Kudos to Ms. California

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Rob LaMoy

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
Reaction score
Hey, for what it's worth I'm glad to see a hot chick that has a brain and is willing to stand up for what she believes in regardless of "popular" opinion. And I happen to agree with her. I do find it funny (also very hippocritical) the response some of the left is dishing out, but that's par for the course.
It really is ironic that tolerance can apparently be a one-way street. I'm different than you but don't hold it against me, but you're different than me and that makes it okay to hate you.

It's also kind of interesting how much press a loser can get for taking a hard stand on something compared to someone who might have compromised their values.
If you listen to her quote; I would not len to heavily on the "has a brain" aspect of this controversey.

As for me, I am thoroughly disgusted with the "judge", Hilton, for his conduct and antics. The media is a bunch of whores.... (Can I say that here?):eek:
A judge in Mrs. NY pageant asked the same question the year my wife competed and girl who answered it was a lawyer from NYC and had a cookie cutter verbatim answer ready and won the stupid thing.

Yeah, Greg, she didn't strike me as the brightest pumpkin on the porch, but has enough in her head to come to her own conclusions despite popular opinion and stick to it. Plus, I saw first hand how intimidating and daunting it is up there for those girls on stage. I'd be willing to bet a lot of them are much smarter then we give them credit for, they just get flustered up there in the spot light.

And the media is the reason gas is so expensive and we still are having school shootings. I find it funny that the whole time Bush was in office the media and left protested the war. HOWEVER, now that Obama is in, it's OK???
Rob - We don't always agree, but on this one i'm 100% with you. Her comments were honest, respectful, sincere and not at all incitefull from my perspective! You have a judge ask a question that is OBVIOUSLY looking for a politicaly correct/sensitive answer, and the lady gives you the following:

No matter what that "Poser" Hilton punk says, she's the definite winner in my book! :wub: