Kids say the damness things

  • Thread starter Glenn DesOrmeaux
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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2005
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My son is a hoot. He comes out with things at 5 years old that simply amaze us sometimes. This weekend, it was a different story, where I wish the people within hearing distance could have heard the WHOLE conversation, and not just my son's part. :blink:

We were sitting in Chili's, enjoying a nice lunch. As we are finishing up, my son picks up my wifes purse to move it from the seat. "You have a fat purse mommy", he say's. She responds "Yes, mommy's have heavy purses to carry all the stuff they need to carry". "Like money?" he says. "Yes, like money." she replies. "Well, if money is so heavy, why doesn't Daddy's wallet weigh more?" he asks. "Daddy's wallet is pretty big too", she responds. (and here is where it gets bad...)

"No it's not!" he says, raising his voice enough so that people around us could hear him. "I've seen Daddy's, and it's little bitty, teeny wheeny" At this, two women near us nearly snorted Chips and Salsa out of their noses, as the third woman at the table started caughing on her food while trying to supress laughter. I was just sitting there, mortified. My wife caught on at that time, and quickly stopped the conversation.

Thanks Son. :lol:

All the best,

I'm spitting up my Coke Zero here Glen!!! LOL
Glen I understand completely.

One day when my duaghter was younger she wanted to "do" my hair. Well right after she started to put in clips and bobby pins etc... Some neighbors came over to visit. They sat down and were amazed that I would let her do that. I said she gets a kick out of it and what little hair I do have I should enjoy. Well picture me looking like my hair exploded when I told her that was enough and we needed to quit now. She spoke up quite quickly, and in front of my neighbors, and said, "But daddy I haven't done your back yet"!!!!!!! Well there isn't a day that the neighbors see me that they don't like to remind me of that one!

I thought my kids have said some good things, but you win with that one.
One of Andy Griffith's greatest lines to Opie "And to think, I was so happy when you started talking" or something to that effect.
Watching AFV last night, a mom was telling her two sons( approx. 3 and 5 years old) that they had a new baby in the family coming. The 3 year old got off the couch and walked over to daddy and said..."You did it , Daddy":wub:. Mom said..."Yes, he did!" and rolled in the floor laughing:lol:.

.......Still glad we never had kids!:D;)
".......Still glad we never had kids!" That's sad. No matter how good your life is, there are joys you can never know without kids and life is just not complete without them.


Although I agree with your response, having children is not for everyone. I would rather someone be honest with themselves about their position on having children, than to have them "just because", and then be miserable and cause the child to have a rough life.

Myself (and it sounds like you probably would agree with me on this :) ), there isn't anything I wouldn't do for my son. The most wonderful gift from God we have ever received, and I thank him every night for the little guy who makes our lives complete.

All the best,

You know, Glenn, you are absolutely right, children are not for everyone. Many years ago I was listening to a man tell me about all the wows his children had put him through and at the end he said "I wished I had never had any children". At the time I was a young parent and was totally amazed that a parent could say such a thing. I think, in part, remembering this utterance of this man made me a better, more responsible parent. So Tom, even though I think my children have completed me, you know what is best for you and if my comments have offended you in any way, I appologize for my short sightedness.

As a younger man I thought I would never have kids of my own. (Or even get married!) I thank God every day for my wife and the two little miracles He's given me. Children do come with a whole new set of worries and responsibilities, but I can't imagine, nor would I want, my life any other way!! :D
Now THATS funny! I feel for you Glenn....I just hop you are secure enough in your marriage because you KNOW all the ladies in town are discussing that!

I am one of the people that decided long ago to not have children and I dont regret it in any way. Some people call me selfish, some call me a fool, some call me smart. It is to each his/her own.

I decided that I didnt want them because of the world that we live in, not because I wouldnt be a good parent. I have influenced many young lives while living with women that had kids. I have "straightened" a few of those kids out by just being a positive male influence on their lives.

The biggest thing I encountered while making this decision was not being able to trust other kids and/or the people that were "supposed" to be mentoring (teachers, coaches, priests/pastors, etc) a child while away from their parents. Way too risky for me.

The second thing is discipline. I could not raise my kids these days the way my parents raised me without me heading to jail. I thank God my parents brought me up with a strong hand of discipline and I deserved every spanking, backhand, ear pulling, etc that I got. You just cant do that stuff anymore without someone else getting into your business or CPS being called on you.

I applaud the parents that can raise a child in todays society and I really like kids, but it is not for me to have them. I do have 2 nephews and a niece and 4 great nieces and a great nephew....

Thas all.
Come on Mini, tell the truth. How many young ladies have called you "Daddy"??!! :cool::lol: