Kids are great!

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Randy Walls

Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2004
Reaction score
My son recently had his ACL repaired and will miss the entire football season this year. He is one of the states top receivers and is heart broken. After his teams first scrimmage of the season he was really depressed and I decided to take him to the St. Joe. for some smallies. We had caught some (him mostly) and he was really rubbing it in when I caught one just shy of three pounds. I came back with, you may catch more, but I catch the big ones! Almost immediately he caught this 4.2 pounder on a spinner bait that I had made! As you can see by the smile, it releived some of the pain of not being able to play this year! The fish may look small to some but keep in mind that he is 6'5" tall and has hands the size of baskets! I also weighed in on a scale to make sure!

Love that smile!

I cannot get his picture to post! Don't know why? You can see it in my library!

Sorry! Not real good with computers!

Randy - That stinks about his ACL, but we know he'll mend and be in great shape!

I love it when my kids beat me on the lake (thats most days, of course :cool:).

Here is the pic from your library, GREAT smile!!

Trep, how'd you do that with the picture? I finally got it the right size? or did you do that too?:huh:

Thanks and it is great! That is one of the first smiles os the summer for him and I glad I could help provide it!:p
I didn't change the size just put it there. For you to do it, after you put it in your library like you did, go to a post or reply (like this one) and then make sure you are logged in (if you are not above the message box will be a "Password" blank) and where ever you want a picture just click the botton below the Message box that looks like a folder (last button on the right), that will bring up a seperate window with your library, then just click the little open "o" under the picture you want and the system will put a set of codes in the message for ya.
