Ken Neely I did not want to have to do this!!

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Mark Weichold

Well-Known Member
May 1, 2000
Reaction score
Ken, you and Craig helped me with getting extra keys

for my new 882 and I thank you. My dealer is 400 plus

miles away, I have called seven times about my windsheilds

they are/were scratched when I went to pick up my boat.

I was told it would be taken care of, I have gotten

nowhere. This was a showroom model and i can understand

that there might be a little wear and tear but this

is beyond that. Tracker Marine has been great sending

me all my warranty stuff and the like but nothing as

to the status of my windsheilds. While cosmetic I am

frustrated. Can ya Help?


Have you spoke with the owner/General Mgr. of your dealership???

That's the next step, if you have already, then call Tracker customer service.

Let me know if you don't get results.
Ken, yes the owner/GM for I feel it is not proper

too place his name in a public forum, did the boat

orientation(if you will) himself. I have been turned over to the warranty dept. now three times. I can take this to

your personal e-mail if that would be more appropriate

Betya if you were praising the service and his dealership he wouldn't have been p-o'd!! LOL
E-mail....I'm in the midst of boat shows but I will eventually get back with you and see what I can do.

Give me your hull number also.