Keelshield's STILL on Clearance at, 33% off!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2000
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I just got mine (and Dan N's, we shared shipping) last night. I got the 7ft black for mine at only $99 instead of the standard $150!!!

Get em while you can!
nice, why are they blowing them out?? anyone know?

If i didnt already have one id be buying right now for sure.
Jim - I had a friend call the local store to see if they had them on clearance in the store, and the guy told him they had to ship all of them back to the BPS warehouse, that BPS would no longer be selling Keelshields in the store/catalogue. I find that funny as KeelShield is now an option on Nitro!
Yea that is kinda strange......
Too bad but Keel Guard out bid them for the contract and as we all know it is about the bottom line. Since TM is seperate they are still an option on the 06 TM glass boats. They are also an option on new Tritons. I am working with them to try and get it so that I can sell them direct, they are still trying to work it out. If you can find them at that price grab em'!!. You won't regret it.

Will they work on 2003 targa? center line is not a VEE-sort of concave.Any idea?
I have a 2003 Targa.Will this work on my boat?The center line is not A vee-more convexed-not sharp line.Any help?


The center line is not A vee-more convexed-not sharp line

Same question. PT175 is like that also, not exactly a vee-edge to adhere to.

Thanks for any tips,
I gotta give one of our newer members, Dan Nevill credit for finding it. We've been talking about them since our home lake, Allatoona, drops 13-18 ft every winter and there is no option but beaching the boat, especialy when you are alone, he found them on-line.

Can't wait for the weather to warm up so we can put them on!