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Ken Sabin

Well-Known Member
May 22, 2003
Reaction score
Wondering if a Keelshiled is a worthwhile investment on an Avalnache?
Sure.......anytime you are subject to nicks and scratches while running from debris in the water (like the Potomac River) or even bumping submerged logs and sticks on lakes. If you ever wanted to beach while you were on the river you could do it without fear of mucking up your keel. If you ever head north to fish, there are a lot of lakes and ramps that do not have docks....same thing way south also. Let's put it this way, "You won't need it....Till you need it"!! get my drift?LOL!!

That about sums it up!!... Thanks Toxic!!...The way I look at it you just spent $10-30K for a nice boat, whats another $150-200 for insurance that'll last a lifetime, unconditionally Guaranteed??

I personally will not own another boat without Hull protection. Didn't realize what I was missing until I put one on. I can now beach my boat anytime the grankids want to go for a swim, pull right up on the ramp to offload my partner, and beach it next to ramp to park the truck...

I can post photos of my Tracker keel from a life of NOT having one if you are interested.

After seeing it you would probably order one in a heartbeat.LOL

We displayed a Keelshield on a 2005 Pro Team 175 at the Bassmasters Classic this year. I thought it would be really strange seeing it on an aluminum rig. The blue Keelshield on the new blue Pro Team looked great. I've been pushing them in our store ever since. The install was simple inough, it was done on the showroom floor.