KeelShield Install, when is temp right?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2000
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Ok Guys - weather here in north GA is warming up, I know everyone says 70 degree hull temp and above, and I have a kids forehead thermometer I can use, and know to put the keepshield out in the sun to get it warm, flat and pliable.

But... Is it even worth trying on a sunny day when the air temps are in the upper 60's or is it realy much better to wait a few months till the airtemp is solidly in the mid-upper 70's?

I want to do this one and right!
Use a hair drier or a heat gun to warm the keel. I did mine up here in Maine that way 6 years ago. No probs with it.

Good reading and information.

I'm sitting here in Central Mississippi waiting for the temperature to be consistently above seventy degrees to equip the 882

From what the dealer told me, make sure when you put it on it's right becuase you to remove the fiberglass to get it off.

Don't get anxious Trepper. Wait till the air temp is 70. Heat gun will work but it is very hard to get a consistent temprature along 8 ft of shield. CJL is right get it spot on the first time cause there is no second try. You can get them off without scalping the glass but you won't be able to re-apply that one. email me for tips.
