Just recieved my "free gift"keepit or send back?

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Mark Gross

Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2002
Reaction score
Ok I guess I spoke to soon last week when I said I hadn't recieved a book and coin from BassMaster It came over the weekend while I was away. My wife told me I recieved a new fishing book and I told her DO NOT OPEN!!

So my question to those that did in spite of the marketing technique employed by ESPN is the book worth it? all things considered ?
I got mine also. Looks like a nice enough book, worth the $9. Don't like their marketing style tho. Too much like NAFC. You can open the box and look at the book and even keep it free if you want. They did include a postage free shiping label you can stick on the box and check "don't send anymore" and drop it in a mailbox and send it back to them. Think I'll keep mine, send them the $9 and tell them not to send anymore. It'll make a good "throne" book.
Mine is still sitting here.....


I haven't decided yet.....

Keep it.....

Send it back.....

I will NOT send them any money.

Personally, (and if I receive it this is what I will do), I would keep it, and send back a note with the usps regs and no $$.

These companies need to learn that this is not the way to do things.

They know the rules, I'm sure, so this is the risk they are taking. I do not, in any way, want them to think that this is an OK thing to do. They will not benefit from me in this reguard.

Now, what they could do would be to send the book as free sample, and ask if you want more overpriced books in the future to return the postage paid card. They should NOT assume that I am willing to pay for this "first" one. Then, if the book series appeared to be worth it, then I would gladly order the rest. As it stands, I won't pay for the first one, nor will I order any "future" editions... so they lose out twice.

I might be mistaken but when I read the "fine print" it said I did not have to pay the 9 bucks if I did not want to and I do not have to send it back either...to quote "You could consider this a free gift if you want"...they just tried to make you feel guilty if you did not pay. Correct me if I am wrong though. If I do have to pay I feel the book is worth it but do not like this kind of marketing either.

To me, the problem is made worse if you accept their "free" gift. It gives them the impression that some of the stuff they send has value and that, if they just pick the right thing, you'll bite. Kind of like fishing, isn't it?

If you don't like this kind of marketing, send the gift back and keep sending gifts back until they get the message that the TACTIC isn't working, not the bait.
<font color=blue><i>Guilt, the next best marketing tool next to having something people actually want or need.</i></font>

Mo, yeah... but I have alot of fish steal my bait without so much as a thank you, so I'll keep anything they want to send.

I'm tempted to keep it with no response (from me) and on the first "reminder" to pay, file a complaint with the USPS and see how they like fighting that one.
I sent the book back and kept the ball marker. And made

real sure they understood not to send anymore gifts.
I got mine last week. I will be keeping it. If they call, "Book? What book???" Let them send me two or three more for some kids I know, then maybe they'll get the hint that I don't subscribe to that code of poor ethics.
Received mine today and used it as a good example to my three kids and one of their friends about how the law works; opened the box; read them what the paperwork said, then tore up the paperwork and gave the book to my oldest.

We will see if I get any dunning letters.

Is it possible this is there way to gaurantee then away around the new "no call list" sweeping the nation. I beleve it states that if you have ever been a customer or user of there product with in the last XX years they retaine the right to contact you by phone(telemarketing) Just a thought.

Bruce...very interesting observation! A good bit of my income is derived from a 3rd-party call center conducting follow-up surveys and, sometimes, soliciting new business. I never thought about this approach until you mentioned it!

Don't worry, not gonna ship ya'll a bunch of crap and start calling you at home...doesn't really fit our biz model. Interesting enough, though, since BASS does cater to some industries that use telemarketing (ie. insurance, warranties).

BTW...new law states inquiring about goods/services allows the telemarketers a 90 day window to call you. Purchasing can extend this window as long as 2 years.

Registering does not necessarily "hide" you from these services. In some cases, it is an excellent tool to upgrade old databases. To register you must provide up-to-date information. This information is now public domain for the telemarketers (legal or not) to update their lists. Most marketing companies spend tons of cash running their lists through NCOA (USPS records) and telematch to get this info....now free of charge courtesy of Uncle Sam.

Send me a new kick a$$ Chevy truck and you can call me whenever you want!!!

Bob G.
"I have alot of fish steal my bait without so much as a thank you, so I'll keep anything they want to send."

ROFLMAO, Mr. Sim!!!!!!!
Bob, you already have a new kick-azz Chevy truck! We might need to talk about that boat, though...;)
Aaaa what letter ?? I was so excited to get the free gift I ripped the box opened and through it away!

OK, send me a new boat then! I'm experiencing the biggest downturn in the semiconductor industry since I started 22 years ago! My "paid for" fish and ski doesn't seem so bad these days because the bass can't tell that it's not a "bass boat"!

Bob G.
I won't keep mine-> the more people that keep and pay for there books, the more likely they will use the profits from us sending us stuff we didn't ask for.

Personally, I find it a little bit offensive that they are using that technique to try and increase profits...Why not hold tournaments...or CastingKids...there are alot of things they can be doing instead...I'm beginning to wonder what their main focus really is.

Reminds me of the lame attempts Bassin' magazine uses "YOU HAVE WON A NEW ABU GARCIA REEL...then the fine print(or 3 hooks) ALL YOU HAVE TO DO TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZE IS SEND US ANOTHER YEARS RENEWAL.....hehe
No offense meant here, but don't really understand what all the fuss is about. They sent out a pretty nice book WITH a letter stating you could legally keep it without sending a dime or any other type of compensation or correspondence.

Those who send money are either really stupid or really enjoyed the book and want more. Both groups and their response will have NO impact on me, my life or my ability to catch fish.