Just heard White House evacuated?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2002
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Wonder what's going on? Someone stuck their head out the window and told reporters to clear out? Don't sound good:(
WASHINGTON (May 11) - U.S. authorities gave the all clear on Wednesday after evacuating the White House and Congress in response to a feared threat from an unidentified aircraft, officials said.

The Secret Service gave the "all clear" within minutes of the scare and allowed staff to return to their offices.

An official of the Homeland Security Department identified the plane as a Cessna, which is a light aircraft. Fighter jets had scrambled over the American capital in the alert.

Sarah Little, an aide to Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan. said the order to evacuate came over the special pager devices that every congressional office has.

''They said to head South because there is an imminent aircraft threat,'' Little said.

Reporters in the White House were told to move to a more secure location.

President Bush was not at the White House at the time.

A guard in the West Wing of the White House shouted at reporters, ''Go down into the basement.''

''Leave, run,'' security officers shouted to staff and reporters at the Capitol.

''This is not a drill,'' guards shouted as they moved people away from the building.

Shortly after noon, officers rushed through the Supreme Court building and told staff to get into the basement. At the Treasury Department, people were moved across the street.

You would think that after 9/11, if any type of airplane violated the airspace in Washington, we would ask questions AFTER we shot the damn thing down. If there is any airspace in the world that you don't go into uninvited, it's there.

I'm just not one to approach this from a passive standpoint, after all the crap going on around the world.


2 doofuses heading to an airshow down south from PA. No radio, student pilot (instructor with him) and they were about 30 seconds from becoming a great big fireworks show for us on the ground. They ignored the F16's hand signals AND wing wobble...they responded to flares. If they hadn't (last warning) there wouldnt have been much left to clean up. I watched the F16's circle and head out to meet them, they were haulin the mail when they went over us.

There is now some very heavy surface to air defenses around the White House. Anybody remember when that fruitcake put a plane into the South lawn of the White House when Clinton was in office. They held of firing, and he put it on target. They won't let that happen again in this environment you can bank on that.

If there realy was an instructor with him, that man should not only be fired but should also have his pilot and instructor license revoked PERMENANTLY! My brother flew private VFR for years and he ALWAYS filed a flight plan, ALWAYS knew where EVERY No Fly Zone was and even though we didn't get his instrument rating before he passed away, he ALWAYS kept close track of his bearing and location.

There is NO excuse for this kind of thing from any pilot let alone an instructor!!

OK, off my soapbox!! LOL