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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
Ok, at my school we don't have a prom or anything like that. we have what is called JSB (Junior Senior Banquet). My question is how should I ask the girl. The tackle show is this weekend and I could go and talk to a friend of mine and see if I can get on the stage for a seminar and pitch the lure out to her with a note hooked in it. If she said no I could just set the hook while she is holding the lure.....just a thought. ALso she lives right by Lake Hefner ( a local lake here in OKC) You can see the lake from her backyard so I have thought about driving my boat up to the side of the lake she lives on and calling her and telling her to look out her back window or something. This winter stuff is really setting in so I figured I would see how you asked your first dates out, maybe i can pick up a few pointers..lol

Not really a tip for you here, but I asked my girlfriend out for the first time on a lake in a boat.It was an extremely nervous situation for me but I finally got up the courage and asked the question. We eventually went on to get married............then divorced. I would suggest staying away from the boat thing.....lol. Best of luck to ya, I know the feeling :)

P.S Looking back, I wish I would have gone with your first plan, setting the hook
Hey BJ, you might want to try out this new electonic gizmo I've heard about. It has numbers on it and everybody has a number assigned to their home, so all you have to do is push some buttons that correspond to the persons assigned home number and the person you want to talk to has a thing they can talk into and then you can listen to what they say and then you can ask them if they would like to go to the banquet. I think most girls would like that much more than getting a #5 Mustad in the hand.

I'm being flippant about something that is very serious for you and I appologize. My best advice is don't worry about it too much. The girl is just as afraid of you as you are of her. Just relax, take a deep breath and call her up. Talk about school or something easy to talk about (in sales that's called the opening)then ask her if she is planning to go to the thing (qualifing), talk about how much fun it sounds like and how good the fried chicken will be (presentation), and then ask her to go with you (THE CLOSE). I'm sure she will be thrilled to go with you.

Good Luck!!!

Walk up to her, look her in the eye and say, "It would be a great honor for me to escort you to the Junior Senior Banquet if you would accept my invitation."

<i>Failing in that, in olden times a club always worked...provided the cave was dark and cold.</i>
Leave the clubs, rods, jerk baits at home.

Use the direct approaches MOfish & Soonerfan suggested.

Most women want strong, and fearless, sharing leaders in their lives. They also want love, knowing they're number one, romance, security and a good provider in their lives too.

(Dads kinda like this too, for their daughters that is).

Leave the gizmos at home, suck it up and present yourself as a guy who has his feet on the ground. After you win her love, know her heart and she is the one, then go off the deep end and do something inane when you propose marriage.

If she doesn't respond favorably, thank her for listening and in little subtle ways let her know your interested and try again next year (unless you're a senior).

Remember, there are other fish in the lake if she doesn't feel the same way. Bide your time, don't hunt too hard. The quest for true love is easier if you don't try so hard...

One more thing, Chase the person within, the body is secondary.
Go with MO.....It shows respect, sincerity, and gets right to the point.

Go with MO!

(Sounds like a campaign slogan!)

Just be yourself, BJ.....

That's what she really wants in the long run.

You have got so much to offer!

You're bright, witty and - most important - a VERY good person!


Of course..... I wouldn't hurt to have that picture of your dog put on a button and wear it on your chest..... Women LOVE cute dogs!! LOL!! (Just be sure she's not the PETA-type!)
lol mac

Thanks to all...I have asked her out before and she wasn't able to go. At least she was going to Minnesota and it wasn't like she had to go window shopping or something. I am not that scared to ask her though. SHe is a pretty good friend and I talk to her some. I don't think it will be a big deal. Also when i said how should I ask I meant like should I fly into her front yard with a helocopter or something like that.

Also how did you ask your first girl out...I wanted to hear the stories if you were willing to share.

Anyone in Cincinnati know Patty D? Now Patty R? She went to Mother of Mercy Academy for grade school and high school? Graduated high school in 1968? She was the first girl I ever asked out..... My first Love! {sigh!}

I had gone to school with her in 6th and 7th grade. The summer before 8th, my family moved to St. Louis. I wanted to stay in Cincinnati - but got hauled to Missouri anyway.....

The next summer, I went back to Cincinnati to stay for a week with family friends; Dr. Cain was a verterinarian and he allowed me to go to the hospital with him every day..... he has since passed away.....

Anyway..... One evening while I was there, I wanted to go out with Patty..... We went out to dinner one night chaperoned by her mother and father and ended up at Kings Island - an amusement park.....

About 15 years ago, totally out of the blue, I did some investigating and found out who Patty now was and gave her a call..... We had a wonderful conversation..... She told me that her mother had since passed away and her father was living in Florida.....

After we hung up. I thought for quite some time..... Then I called her back.....

"You know how I remember your mother?" I asked her. "We were out in that Chrysler your parents had won in a raffle. You and I were in the back seat; your parents were in the front seat. Your mother turned around to us and asked 'You know why I like this car? Because it has this BIG bench saet and I can slide right over and cuddle up next to your father!'"

Here I am..... 54 years old, BJ..... And I still remember that night 40 years ago..... It still brings a smile to my heart and a tear to my eyes..... Patty's mother is how I picture two people in love.....

God Bles you, Mrs. D.....

Thanks for the memories!

well, I will go into more detail I guess.

I was friends with Jenny since I was about 14, our parents had lake homes next to each other so we became close friends after time. By the time I was 16 I really, REALLY liked her and wanted to ask her out but I just couldnt get the courage up. I finally asked her out when I was 18, Im a pretty shy guy, took 2 years to pull the trigger. I took her out for a boat ride on a sunday afternoon so we could be alone while I asked her out, of course I waited till the last day of the weekend to build up the courage. We got in the boat and it took 3 trips around the lake (not a small lake) and about 3 hours in that boat sweating bullets trying to build up the courage to ask her out. It was on the 3rd trip around the lake when I pulled up to the dock that I finally asked her out. I suppose I could have just skipped the whole 3 hour boat ride and asked her at the dock before we got into the boat. The end result when she said she would go out with me was well worth the 2 years and the 3 hour boat ride of sweating bullets. It turned out for the worst in the end but it's something I will never regret.Good luck to ya. Chances are if she is someone special to you, you are someone special to her
Let's see......High School, The first girl I ever asked out was the first girl in my school to wear a "tube top". My mother drove us...dated her until her attorney father said he would break both of my legs if he ever saw me again.

Pretty much set the tone for the rest of my life!!LOL
