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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
Ok, the lady I used to work for asked me the other day if I would be willing to work for her again this summer.

The job is this. She has a Summer Camp she puts on at my school. It is like a day care but for elementary students whose parents work or whatever during the day. I don't like the job at all. The only reason I did it the last few years is because it works with my schedule. I can get off whenever I want and for whatever reason. I just get tired of the kids because they will not obey me AT ALL.

Here is the thing. Because it works with my schedule so well I can fish tournaments and practice for many as I want. If I only want to work just a couple days a week that is fine no big deal unless everyone has time off a particular day. I like the fact that it works with my schedule...i just don't like the job. I take the job and fish or do I keep looking???

I believe I work to live not live to work... If the money fits your budget needs and it lets you "live"... do it!
I hate working, too, BJ. But until I win the lottery, it's the only choice I have.

If the lady asked you to come back, then she must have been satisfied that you did your job well.

Git 'er done!

It's only for a short time!

BJ, all jobs suck, you just have to find the job that sucks the least. :)
I say go for it. If it fits in with your fishing what more can you ask for? They call it work for a reason, you do it for money not for fun. Go make the most of it and make some money too, in the end it will be worth it.

When i was your age i did all sorts of jobs i hated so i could afford the things i wanted. I like to earn the things i own and wouldnt have asked my parents to pay for anything( not that they would). I mowed lawns, shoveled horse crap, pumped gas, painted houses, cleaned pools, etc. As much as i hated it i did it because i needed the money to pay for college and a car.

I feel pretty lucky today, i am one of the few who actually likes what they do. I like my job, the company i work for and even my boss if you can beleive that. I dont feel my job is a burden on my life now because i truly enjoy it and knowing how hard i have worked over my life to get there makes me enjoy it more.

I wouldn't say all jobs stink.

See the thing is I don't want to work for anyone...I want them to work for me. In other words I want to own businesses. I want to go to grad school and get my masters in Business. But to get their I have to work...HARD. That is something that I am willing to do.

You are gonna have to make a choice. Glorified babysitting that allows you to fish is one thing but you are not going to EVER make enough to rise to your aspirations doing it. Prioritize. If you want to start down the money path get an entry level position with a company that has the potential to advance you as your education advances. Some even have tuition reimbursement programs. But guess is decision time because your fishing will suffer, careers are full time, even when you are going to school. If you are ever interested give me a call and possibly I could get you an internship here in Washington, DC. Depends on your major in college (when you get there). Gotta make a choice, you can't have it all.

Ahhhh but teaching is a calling fatrap, either you have it or you don't. My client Saturday is a teacher and so is his wife. She has to work a Red Lobster to make enough to contribute. He has been teaching and coaching in a 2A school for 10 years, he told me that both he and his brother have the same education but that his brother went into a chemist job and in the 10 years they have both been working, his brother has made more in salary increases than he has made in salary!! He still couldn't see doing anything else!! That's dedication and that is who I want teaching my child. My grandmother was a teacher, did it for 35+ years. You have my utmost respect.

...recalling the converstion I had with my Father wen I was in high school:

"Dad, I really hate my job!"

Dad's reply: "Of course you do! Everybody hates their job!"

'nuff said.
