JimB, I see what you're talking about...

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Larry Harp

Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2002
Reaction score
I stopped by BPS yesterday to visit my "buds" and while I was there I thought about your problem with your Z-7 seats. One of the salesguys and I went over and started looking at a new Z-7 they had just brought into the showroom a day or two ago. Sure enough the middle seat was just sitting there, not fastened down. He thought that the riggers just hadn't done their job. We got to looking at the screws with the big black knobs and the little insert nuts (for lack of a better word) were still screwed onto the screws.... in other words, not inserted into the seat deck. We tried to push the "nuts" back into the deck but when he tightened the screw the nut just pulled right out. One of the other salesguys came up while we were messing with it and said, "Yeah, that seat's screwed up. I had a customer bust his ass on it yesterday." I can also see what you guys were talking about with the other seats as well. They don't moosh down into the seat back firmly enough. Just a little bit of pressure and they turn into ejection seats. :eek: Holymoly!! I've seen better designs on French sub-compacts.:wacko:

I'm sorry, I don't mean to sound like I'm knocking your boats but you guys with new Z-7 and maybe other Z's, I'm not sure, need to raise hell with Tracker Marine over this. This is just the kind of thing the Nitro/Tracker bashers over on BFHP and BBC love to get a hold of... further decreasing our re-sale value. I would say this is something that needs a recall. I'm sure glad I've got an '06 with a much better design.

Yep its a pretty poor design to be sure. As you know min is fixed. I dont think i will ever have a problem with it again. Its really down there secure now. When i had my boat out on Sunday i stepped on it and sat on it a bunch of times and its nice and secure. I do agree that Nitro needs to address the problem. I may call them to express my opinion but im not sure who i even talk to. In my eyes that middle seat is a saftey issue, somebody could get hurt stepping on it and having it let go or if it let go while on plane.

My boat doesnt seem to have the problem with the outer seats that other guys are having. Mine are pretty tight.
I wonder if those poorly "mooshed" seats are a design over-reaction to previously over-"Mooshed" seats. Must not be if JimB's are tight. On my 750, when the pilot and co-pilot seats are mooshed into place they are vacuum sealed. I think it is so air tight in that seat cabinet I could store food forever.

Think better glue would tighten those babies up?
If anyone DOEs find the contact info, make sure to post it, as anyone who has a Z-7 needs to complain about the seats (other than the Z-7's).

None of the other boats were made this way from the ones I saw on the showroom floor.

At least on my 08 PT190, there was storage under the flip up seats.