JDJ, Missed ya on a couple of posts

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Fast fingers. How did the treatment go on the noggin? Hope you're feeling as good as can be expected.

Bruce thanks for asking.

I had an appointment at 2:00pm today to treat the spine, shoulder and discuss the treatment hor the brain. I waited til 2:45 told them to call me when they had an appointent they could keep and went back to the office because I had work to do. Now I am supposed to be treated at 3:00 pm tomorrow with no waiting. We'll see.

Take care

Bruce thanks for asking.

I had an appointment at 2:00pm today to treat the spine, shoulder and discuss the treatment hor the brain. I waited til 2:45 told them to call me when they had an appointent they could keep and went back to the office because I had work to do. Now I am supposed to be treated at 3:00 pm tomorrow with no waiting. We'll see.

Take care

hurry up and wait... you are in my thoughts and prayers every day...
Howdy Greg,

How's your daughter?

It's been 99 to 105 here for the last week or two. Today we finally got some relief with high winds and some rain. The temps have dropped to the eighties.

I start radiation Monday on my spine and do set up on the right shoulder again. It is tricky because I've had so much real close to the same area and they don't want to OD me. I have to decide which way I want to treat the brain so I am praying and thinking about it over the weekend. The best way is to do a closed MRI and then target just the lesion but I don't know if I can do the closed MRI though. Please say a pray for me to be able to the closed MRI.

You have a great day


Thanks for asking about Katie... She is doing much better... Funny you should ask about her and the MRI in the same post. She was not too pleased with doing the closed MRI herself yesterday. But, she thought it through... relaized it was a "positive" thing to do... And, she got real courageous about it after she found out an 11 yr old girl had the MRI appointment right before her... The young girl told her it was nothing to be afraid of... Katie could not very well have "chickened out" in front that kid.... LOL

I'm praying that you will get the guidance and make ther decisions you need to make.