I've been raped

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Warren David

Active Member
Aug 1, 2008
Reaction score
I've had my Nitro in to a local dealer 3 times for problems with the bow FF and live well pump.

First the FF was giving a low voltage input message when the trolling motor was being run. The FF was rewired and I was told it was all set. The livewell pump only worked on manual so a new switch was installed. It only worked for about 10 seconds the first time out. The reason given was the fuse was too small. $127.65

The FF finder still did not work and I was told the unit was no good. A new one was installed and the fuse in the livewell pump switch replaced. $228.10

The new FF now shuts off after a few hours when the trolling motor is run and the livewell still only operates on manual.

Now I'm out $355.75 and still have the same problems. I have another marina nearby I'll be using but first I will have the battery checked to see if that is the problem even though I was told it shouldn't make any difference,
"Raped" is a pretty harsh term. They didn't fix the problem and you keep paying them. I suggest that you check out the wiring to the FF and make sure it is wired to the cranking battery and not the trolling motor batteries. Sounds like you need to learn how everything on your boat is wired (FF, livewell pumps, etc..) or be willing to pay someone else. Get an inexpensive volt/ohm meter and dig in. Good luck.
I have never run a FF off the troller battery. Bad karma. The only thing off the troller batts is the trolling motor. ONly time I got a low volt from the Depth finder was when I left it on for a week and the crankin batt was about dead.

for what's it's worth.

It's never fun to have issues with your boat no matter what they are. I wish those were my only issues and I own a Ranger. I'd give anything to have my Nitro back. Ha!
You would get crucified on some sites for making that comment, around here you'll get :D,

although we do hate the reasons behind those thoughts.
Teri,..you gotta give your boat a chance.....once it's all cleaned up, you might be surprised!;)
Dont get me wrong I love my Ranger (and it too has issues) but I will say it again....

My 2002 Nitro 911 was one of the best boats I have ever owned.

Hang in there Teri....the boat might just need some love!

RAINCLOUD, feel free to ask questions here BEFORE you take it in to the dealer. You will get some honest answers and advice. Including IF you SHOULD take it to a dealer. But it sounds like you dont want to go back to that one.

Mini - These problems posted by the author were asked and answered in an earlier thread a few weeks back. (Unfortunately, several hundred dollars ago. :wacko: ) Some minimal additional info was requested to ensure a better response, without reply from author. I suggest he reread his original thread on the topic and consult the very good information given by several members contained within. ;)

Teri - Some boats fit like a glove from day one and others are like burlap underwear. The first one is a blessing to enjoy while the other one takes some doing to feel good with. It's just what the owner wants in the end. FWIW - I'd go change the underwear on that Ranger and drive it like you stole it!!! B-w-a-a-a-ah....... :lol::p:D
Actually, the Ranger is shaping up quite nicely. Almost looks like a really nice boat. I need to fix a few more things and make some upgrades but I need some more money first.
If I win my tournament, I will have a new boat. :D
Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater Teri. Give yourself a little time to work your own mojo with your boat. You've made a huge difference already. She just may put you in the money a time or two before you need to turn her over. Putting the a-hole aside that did you wrong, you've got a great hull under you. I'm hoping she does you proud enough to keep her around as a reminder of the boat you had before you won the WBT! ;):D
Seems to me it was consensual the first time, but you were mishandled by a clumsy lover. The second, you went back and asked for more of the same ... and now you claim rape. :lol::wacko::lol::wacko:
Thanks for filling me in DanJ. I musta missed it the first time around.
If they are close by, I think I'd go back and make them fix it for free. And I'd get the FFinder off of the Trolling motor battery. That's what they should have done as step 1.

I'd also get checked for DNA.

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