It's Too HOT!!!

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Steve Helscher

Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2000
Reaction score
:angry:Man it's getting HOT and Humid. We really need some rain here in eastern Iowa. It's pushing 100 and should break that this weekend. Don't remind me about this post when it is -15 below come January. I'll be cussing then too!:wacko:
I'm hearin' what your sayin', Firebird. I'm dying down here. We haven't offically hit 100 yet but the thermometer in my Jeep has been reading 101 & 102 everyday lately and thats with some pretty heavy humidity.:( Back when I was a youngster I could do hard labor out in this heat all day then go out and hit the bars until 2am then back at work at 8 the next morning. Nowdays, I leave the car running while I run into a house and do a light fixture count that takes 10 minutes and get back to the car as fast as I can, and it kills me. We never get down to -15 here but give me a cool autum day in October anytime.

It's like the sun laid a target over the USA and we are at Hot dead center!!!!!!! Lake levels over here on the western side of Iowa dropping. Only good thing is my grass hasn't grown any since I mowed it 8 days ago.
It has been hot here to.Harpo I remember when I was living there In Okla..It was hot , dusty , muddy ,, And flat.....:p
It has been hot&humid here in Ohio too but, we started getting some much needed rain that started about two weeks ago. This is the greenest my grass has ever been this time of year.

Usually burnt to a crisp:huh: At least every other day we get a good dose:D
:angry:That rain coming from the west hits us and drys up and then starts again as it hits the middle of Illiniois. Man, were dying here. I don't think I have mowed in 3 weeks and haven't been out for two weeks. Going out early Sunday and Monday though. I'll be in before the sun gets to high in the sky. We NEED RAIN!.:angry:
We have dewpoints in the 92-95 range. That's insane!! You have to chew your air!! I can take heat but the humidity just drains you.

The last two days were over 100 degrees. Tomorrow has a chance of some rain and cooler temps. Spent early mornings with my kids Sunday and today. Did OK, nothing to exciting.

We NEED rain.





We are to tomorrow..Right now It's HOT...Road temp 130 air temp 100
This Heat is bad, my 65 yr old Father refuses to stop working in the heat, he's a deisal Mecahanic, I can't even begin to imagine working under a truck in this heat!

I think he's crazy :wacko:

Harpo, that cold front is gonna hurt the fishing? Right:unsure:
Harpo doesn't know he can't take time to fish.....:p:p
Hot?? What do you do?? i'm taking the kids to the pool after dinner, and then 8:30pm tonite - FISHING!!! WOO HOO!!!
The birds in my yard are wearing oven mitts to pull worms...:lol:

My chickens are laying hard boiled eggs.......:rolleyes:

The cows are giving evaporated milk.......:p

The trees are whistling for the dog to get a drink.......:huh:

You can make instant Sun Tea.........:wacko:

:D:D:DThe rain finally came today! I had an inch in the rain gauge!!:D:D:D Still need more but not supposed to come the rest of the week.:angry::angry::angry: It was only in the 60's too. almost a 40 degree turnaround in a day.:D:D:D
MAN Steve you were not KIDDING about Bug Spray!!! Only spent 2 hours out, and only 90 minutes were "dark" but i gotta get me some high content Deet by Sat night's trip! I used the Off Skintastic and MAN they still ate me ALIVE!!!
That Skintastic never works for me either. Only Deepwoods Off or Repel for me. Don't get it in your mouth though, it makes my lips go numb.:huh:
Trep, firebird is right...Skintastic is girlie bug repellant, get some Deep Woods Off and take out a cancer insurance policy.;)

The cool front hit yesterday afternoon. It's been 102 every day but yesterday it was only 90 and the high today will only be 80! Oh, if it would only stay that way for the rest of summer.

Trep - Get some Muskol. You'll want it for your Canada trip anyway. It's the highest deet content sold. DO NOT USE IT ON THE BOYS!! It's recomended use is for above 16 yrs. of age, if I remember correctly. A little bit on your hat, shirt, etc. goes a very long way!