Its friday. we need some politically oriented debate

  • Thread starter Tim Koepp [URL]
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Tim Koepp

Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2008
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This mornings CNN news.. 2M jobs lost since first of the year, 663K in March. but the first DNS "raid" did next to nothing on illegal immigrants found (oops,, "undocumented")

In fairness to the companies charged with hiring illegals: I have a friend who WAS a plant manager for a manufacturing firm that was terminated because it was discovered that some worked who were DOCUMENTED had counterfit papers. This was on the heals of earlier probation for challenging papers that ultimately turned out to be valid (after a threatened lawsuit). Some times you simply cant win.
Debate/argue politically oriented material on this site??:unsure: NEVER, NEVER I SAY!:wacko:

I liked the page after the one you furnished about that U.of Col. professor better.:lol:

Uncle Billy

That's what I like most about this site,.....pretty decent arguments both pro & con about all kindsa stuff and virtually ZERO death threats actually carried out!! Love it!:wub:
yeah. its been a quiet week, Mac.. just trying to stir the pot. (not really)
Maybe we should execute Madoff and his wife to set an example. Whaddya think?
I'm an eleventh year teacher in South Carolina. Our town has four schools in K-12 that, at present, employs 177 classroom teacher. They announced this week that 40 of these teachers would not be offered contracts next year. They started with teachers that had retired and came back, next the people who had enough years to retire but hadn't, and then the new teachers. They are now trying to figure out how they are going to be able to get that many student desk in the classrooms. We have an education lottery here, 25% goes to K-12 funding and 75% goes to "higher learning". Most of our lawmakers and government officials send their kids to private school and have no real stake in public education. Just thought I would stir the pot a little too.
JimmyE: locally we are just about leading the country in Unemployment. One county East is recorded as 4th highest in the nation, and they own the dubious honor of highest "change" from last year, from 5.something% to now 18.3%. Nearly one of five. Barry has visited twice with promises, Hucklebee kicked off a new "save our towns" show here.

Some people will say the undocumented immigrants are taking jobs that others dont want. Perhaps in some areas. Not here. At least not now.
I like what I heard this morning from former N.Y. governor Spitzer (even though he definitely isn't a role model):

We need to break up the financial services companies that are 'too big to fail' into smaller companies that we can afford to let fail. The Obama bailouts may work in the short term, but they're putting bailout money into the hands of the wrong people.

As far as illegals are concerned, we need to send the message that only legally documented aliens can find work in this country, and fine or jail those that knowingly hire illegals. To me hiring illegals is as treasonous an act as what Bernie Madoff did - putting his own greedy desires ahead of the people of his own country. In the old days, treason got you the noose or a standing-room only spot at a post in front of a thick wall.
