It Finnally Happend To Me..

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Greg Duggan

Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2003
Reaction score
Pelham NH
While fishing Lake Winnipesaukee in 20+mph winds last Friday. My OptiMax outboard crapped out and left me stranded in 100' of water and 3' swells. Using the trolling motor,I managed to find my way to a private dock on one of the many islands outside of Center harbour.

I checked the obvious things like the fuel bulb and plug wires. All things seamed to be in check. Tried the motor again and it started, but ran like sh*t and stalled out. I then removed the top plastic shroud to expose the serpantine drive belt. The belt was so loose that i could have pulled it right off the pulleys without any effort at all.

it turns out that the belt tensioning pulley spring broke and the belt would just slap around and not drive the compressor to deliver fuel to the injectors.

after about 1.5 hours i managed to McGiver a solution with tie wrapps and electrical wire to keep the proper tension on the belt. We test ran the motor at the dock for 10 min or so and then ran at head way for close to 10 miles back to the ramp.

it was a very wet ride to say the least but the tie wrapps held and we made home safe and sound. I ordered a replacement spring at the cost of $35.00 and a new bag or tie wrapps will be placed in the tool box for another day.

Like i always say "there aint nothing that can't be fixed with DuctTape and Tie Wrapps"


Glad you were able to forge a solution and get back to the ramp, even though it took some doing. I had a 'boater' ask me one time what all I carried in my 'backpack' that I brought on board. I told him that was my emergency bag.

Later that day when he blew a fuse on the big motor and couldn't get it to fire, I pulled out a replacement that did the trick. Like you, I carry all types of little things (duct tape and ty-wraps are certainly on the list) like that for just those emergencies.

Yikes Greg! Center Harbor has some good fishing, but when the wind blows in off the lake it sure can get dangerous out there. I guess with a 10 mile ride in your 'repair' was a pretty good one. Sure beats waiting for a tow.

By the way, did you catch any thing?

we managed 15 or so smallies, no real size. But with the wind it was pretty good day over all.

I was tempted to try and get up on plane and get back to the ramp quicker and to help manage the waves. The down side would have been if it broke again. i only had 6 more tie wraps and an open water repair was out of the question.

tex, you can never be over prepared. I carry quite and array of items in my dry box. you just never know.

Man Greg - I gotta make sure you are with me when I get around to fishing some of the bigger waters near us - I don't think I would have known what to do! I am glad it all worked out alright.

Bill, the MadKayaker
I think Mini or Neely has a complete list o things you should carry on your boat if they would care to share it again?

Bruce - probably good for a different thread. I was commenting more on Greg's MacGyver like tendencies to my MacGruber ones. I carry duct tape (waterproof) and tie wraps as well as probably every thing else you should carry but I don't think I would have figured out how to fix the drive belt with that stuff.

Greg - let's get together post-Labor Day to fish Lake Sunapee!

Bill, the MadKayaker

I always wondered when and were I would be when I broke down. I'm on the water so much it was just a matter of time before it happened. I just assumed I would just drop the trolling motor and make my way back to the ramp. Not the case on Winni, way to far from the ramp and the wind was. terrible.Good news was I was prepared and got off the water safe and sound.

Sunappee sounds good. New spring should be in by this weekend.let's talk after long weekend and pick a day.

Bruce, I remember that list of items. Only problem is it would take a 10' dingy to carry all those items!

Thanks Greg! I will contact you after the labor day holiday or maybe shortly before to organize ... Bill, the MadKayaker
GregD, It's just like when I fell off of my boat last fall, if you spend enough time on the water. It's not an if, but when and where and how you deal with it. Spun a prop hub on the old tracker once and had to back it back to shore, it would back up but not go forward. Had to be towed in, when it would not start and ran out of tm power heading up river. I have towed and been towed, I have sat on a sand bar while many drove by and a few ask if they could help.

I know a guy that duct taped a broom stick to his engine cover after the steering cables broke on his boat and used that to steer the boat. Said the worst part was getting on plane? This is a center console style boat with a non boater running the throttle..
