Is This a Scam?

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Carl Pylant

Jan 20, 2003
Reaction score

I inquired about this boat and got a reply that the person just had to sell it. Is this too good to be true?

He says the price is correct.
What's the old adage? "If its too good to be true . . ." Seriously, at the price he's advertising, there's no way that can be for real. Of course, there's only one real way to find out for sure. Arrange to meet the guy at this house. Explain to him that you're a serious buyer and that you will need to see the title and be able to have the boat compression tested at a dealer/service center near him (at your cost, of course). While being tested, you'll want the service center to run the BIN and title (or check with the state where its registered) to ensure that its not stolen. If everything turns out as expected, then congratulate yourself on a killer deal. I have a strong feeling, however, that you'll never get as far as seeing the boat in person.

Good luck - JC
Maybe they just left the one off of the front of the price by mistake.:)
I have been seeing this excact rig all over the internet for months for that crazy price...Dont trust him
Hollidaysburg is near Altoona, PA close to Raystown lake, about 2 hrs from me. Tell him you will bring cash on Sat and see if he balks. Have guns will travel (wasn't that a tv show?) like the "Guns of Will Sonnett"........ Memory check, overload????


I'll pay for it if it floats and runs and looks like that picture... You can check it out for me... And, I'll be more than happy to split the profit... ought to be about $5000 each...
Nothing ventured nothing gained !:blink:

If I were with'n 2hrs I would have to check this out, after a phone call and the offer of cash on delivery. Also making sure there is a title and it is free and clear.

.................... oh, also take a buddy and a small arm just in case .

Does PA. not require numbers on the bow. I don't see any identifying numbers anywhere. License plate conveniently not in pictures either.
I have alot of experience baiting scammers like these.

I just e-mailed the guy.....I'll keep you posted.
Looking at the pics there are other boats in the background (dealership/repair facility maybe?). First thing I noticed was the brand of depth finder: It's spelled "Lawrence" instead of "Lowrance". Dang, off school for awhile and still looking for spelling errors :rolleyes: . Nice looking rig though.
I called and an answering machine picked up. I have heard about a similar set up on a different boat, so I figure it's a new twist on a scam.

Darn, And I was hoping I'd found a boat.....:(

Ok...I've exchanged a few emails with the guy....he's on the hook.

I'll start a new thread in a day or two and let you guys have some laughs.
And a disclaimer:

These scammers are pro's.....don't any of you try this yourselves.

We have been doing this for years, and know how to protect our identities.

If you scam the wrong scammer, they can make things rough on you.

That's what we do......and it sure is fun!!! The ultimate is when we get THEM to send US money!!!
They are thieves.

We have only exchanged a couple of e-mails.....nothing exciting yet.

He claims to have moved the boat to Florida....I'll keep you posted if it continues.

In the meantime, I may start a thread in the next few days of some other scambaits I have going on.

It may take too much time and effort to copy and paste and clean up all the naughty words and references, but I'll see what I can do.