Is it worth it?

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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score

I'm seriously thinking about going. Do you think it would be a good way to pick up a few more tips/techniques?

Looks like a good time...kinda pricey. For half that I'll take you out show you everything I know, then all you have to do is NOT do what I tell you and you should be a sucess.;)

Yeah the price is kinda steap....but its not everyday that you can get with that many pros!

If you are interested in making professional fishing your career it would probably be worth your while. The price seems a little too steep for me however.

You know, BJ..... There are some very knowledgable people here on this board..... TOXIC, Mac, Greg Meyer, Dan Jorgensen, Mini, Greg Gutierrez, Ken Neeley (even though he not a "competitor", he really knows his stuff)..... just to name a few..... If you read their posts - even doing searches on what they've had to say in the past..... They can probably teach you everyhting Jay Yelas can.....

AND..... Even though I take shots at them every once and a while for doing it :) ..... Pay close attention to how they promote their Sponsors. Without Sponsorship, fishing wouldn't be anything near what it is.

I've got mixed feelsing about this. The cost does not seem to be that high, since it also includes food, lodging and time on the water. For someone that is interested in a pro-fishing career, it would probably be invaluable.

Not sure if the statement of : You are guarnteed to spend at least a half day on the water with one of your pros.

Let's see, they get in all the apps and money and find that 75% of the applicants pick:

Jay Yelas

Shaw Grigsby

Mark Davis

Gonna be difficult to deliver on that one, for sure. Another comment - no comment or stipulation that you will be one-on-one in the boat with the pro's. They might cram 2-3 non-boaters in there at one time.

Having heard Jay speak at Bassmaster U before, you need to understand that he is a devout Christian - and a fair part of his message goes directly to that. Not saying that's a bad thing, but you need to understand that going in.


You're looking at this all wrong. If you intend to fish professionally as a career, then it IS a business! You need to treat it as such and businesses require investments. $200 to learn from 3 of the top pros in the nation, and YOU pick which 3 you want to lear from? AND you get time ON THE WATER, watching them implement what they're teaching? I would say for a young guy like you, this could help eliminate a LOT of the learning curve associated with pro level fishing and you ought to jump at it.

Trust me, $200 is peanuts when it comes to what it costs to guide or fish pro. That's ONE BFL entry fee. That's gas for only 2 days on the water. It's one good rod.

Always treat your business like a business and it will reward you like one.

Now on the other hand, you can pick 3 "pros" from this here NTOWS board for much less.

Me (Rob, not "me") - 1 Team Daiwa baitcaster ($150, cause I'm worth more! LOL)

Mini - 1 bottle of Jack Daniels ($35)

Mac - A 1 year supply of permanent markers ($30)

OK, so we add up to $215, but we can teach you anything those boys can and some stuff they can't! LOL Just ask Mini. And if you were older, the "Night with the pros" would come complementary with a trip to Hooters and a plate of hot wings! :cool:
Rob, I think the price is $495.00. The $200.00 was just to hold your spot. BUT, that is still cheap if you want everything they are offering. I wouldn't want to pay that but a young guy like BJ who really wants to learn and maybe make a career of this it would likely be well worth it.

"night with the pro's" with Rob, Mini, and Mac, I would hate to see the stack of waivers that went with that!
You know what they say,..."If you can't run with the big dogs,...stay on the porch!" ;)

Rob "tried" to keep up one night and lost an eyebrow in the process!!! ....puppy!!:wacko::lol:

Carry on young Grasshoppa's!!

HEY......I held up fine but had bidness to contend with that week. And I seem to remember Mackelroy cutting out WAY earlier than everyone else. I called it at 3:00am. I can't help it that Neeley and Mini don't go to be until 5:00 am! LOL

And for the record, I only lost HALF of an eyebrow. Which by the way, is even worse since you look doubly goofy since it's half there and half not and the other full brow gives a referrence as to what you're SUPPOSED to look like.

I'll get my payback some day....oh YES....I will!!!:angry:
You ain't fast enough to get me with a buzzer old dog! It took two of dem dar mitten born boys to get me that night, and a BUNCH of Coors and JD to slow me down!

Course, Mini and Neeley ahd even MORE JD, so they should have been even slower......never mind!

Now why wasn't Buzz shaved....that's what I want to know!!! Oh, just because he brought you all some fancy JD???? Just goes to show can "buy" your way into anything, even MI! LOL