is it real?

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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
I got this in an email today. I have recieved emails and sent emails with no problem, even after recieving this. Harpo may be able to help me because he has Cox. It says from [email protected] I haven't opened the attachment (and probably won't). here is the email i got today.

Dear user of e-mail server gateway,

Your e-mail account has been temporary disabled because of unauthorized access.

For details see the attach.

In order to read the attach you have to use the following password: 73232.

Best wishes,

The team

BJ. DON'T OPEN IT. It is most likely the "BEAGLE" virus. Our ISP sent out a warning last week advising of it. Same wording as you have.


BJ, don't open it. I have been getting bombarded by this bs the last week or so. About a week ago I did open an attachement from an address I didn't recognize but it had a .gov ending and the subject was "Are you the naked one". I thought it was a joke from some NTOWS member so like a dummy I opened it. I knew immediately I had made a mistake. My hard drive started grinding like it was making coffee and wouldn't stop. I ran my virus software but it didn't detect a thing. Problem was I hadn't updated in over a year. Finally I updated my Norton virus software and ran it and it picked up all kinds of crap. I've learned my lesson, I'm not opening anything I don't recognize anymore and I am also keeping my anti-virus software updated.

I have received several more bogus e-mails the last week and again today. Here's what they look like:

[email protected]:hi---I got this one twice today.

[email protected]......"Are you the naked one"

I have got the Re:hi subject a couple of other times but deleted them so I don't remember the e-addresses.


P.S. Call Cox @ 600-8282 and tell them about this.

Just for info purposes..If you guys from NTOWS send me anything..BE CAREFUL!!! This IS a govt. computer:)