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Bill Landry

Nov 11, 2005
Reaction score
Hello to all,

I have been reading this board for a month or so now and have learned quite a bit from this group. There is quite a bit of know how that you can get from here.

Anyway, I have just purchased a 2005 Pro Team 175 and will be picking it up next week sometime. I had previously owned a 1988 Tracker TX17 and thought it was finally time to upgrade.

Unfortunately living in upstate NY I won't be able to use it much this year but will be looking forward to next season. I fish mostly the Hudson and its tributaries with the occasional trip up to Lake George.

I'm looking forward to being part of this group.......

Regards, Bill L.

Welcome aboard Bill..

Congratulations on your new boat and I'm sorry you won't be able to use it much this year but it's a great thing to look forward to.:)

new Bill from NH (Bil L.) welcome aboard!!

Oh and this "winter" stuff you folks up there have, why waste that great boat in a garage and let it sit, drive it down to VA/MD and Let Bill and the rest of the group break it in for ya! Or heck drive it down to Atlanta and I won't charge you a storage fee as long as I can run her every other week!!

Another Bill... Were going to have a number system just to keep up!! Anyway WELCOME aboard...

Most of these guys are ok... There's a few from Virginia i would watch out for though!!

Welcome aboard, sense you have been lurking you already know there are some people here who ain't quite right.....:blink:

Tin is in... Nice choice and welcome... We have a fellow in way Upstate... "Ol One Brow Rob"... you should watch for him and get some info on Champlain...
Welcome Bill. I hail from Upstate originally myself. Learned to fish off the Niagara river back when you wouldn't dare eat the fish! Great choice in boats. I've had mine for going on three years and not regretted a moment.

did somebody remember to send him his his membership package of free stuff, just for joining?

welcome aboard Bill ! :D