Internet Rumor Mills and False Accusations

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2000
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Underwood Iowa
Like everyone else most of us get a lot of email trashing various groups, people etc. I have started looking up the emails on Snopes. Almost everyone that I've found has been a false rumor or accusation. Things such as Target stores not supporting vetrans. ALCU upset about Marines praying in public. Congressmen charged with hundreds of crimes. Almost all are B.S. Before passing this junk on I'd suggest you check it with urban ledgends.

As for me. I'm gonna stick to the dirty photos and jokes. Right Jr.?

I got one about Iam's Dogfood using animals to test their products...

Imagine that...testing dog food by feeding it to dogs?????:wacko:

One of the funniest is the one about Mr. Rogers being an ex Navy Seal or Army Ranger..:p
Can't agree more. Ever since finding, I've used that to double check e-mail reports of this or that. I'd always been cautious about this stuff - at least gives me a central place to check things out. I like the way they cite authority for their conclusions and reference primary sources. The Mikkelson's do a very good job.

Here's one that folks might find funny. Its a picture of Hurricane Wilma from the air. I'm pretty sure that based on Hanna-Barbera comparisons, the photo is 100% accurate - i.e., no question its Hurricane Wilma versus some other named hurricane!:lol:

Fatrap - I can not tell you HOW MANY TIMES my mom or her friends have sent me e-mails that as SOON as I check them on they are false. I continue to reply ALL on those with not only the specific detail on that email, but also the link to and the WARNING to NOT send me or ANYONE any chain emails unless you check them on first.

You can NOT teach an old dog new tricks, they keep comming!! LOL

Hey Jim - I'm at Disney at an IBM conference and Mon AM our host showed that picture!!! LOL
Does anyone else see the irony in debunking something read on the internet by using the internet?
Nope, Elvis works at Dicks and Is on the FLW Tourney trail...JR:p
Depends upon the size of the bucket!;)
and...before you clean the windows on the skyhook cab, be sure and use a Squeegee Sharpner.
and Microsoft will pay you $247 for each person you send this too anyway... they can track this stuff you know!

Anyone want a good cookie recipe?