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scott lewis

Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2002
Reaction score
I three speed tickets in the last 3 years all 5 over.

I had Safeco drop me.

Any suggestions on good affordable insureance.

I hope you can find cheap ins. in my state you get points against you so many points you lose your license back in 1967 I had a 1967 Dodge Charger I came withen 1 point of losing my license my insurance droped me and I had to go with a high risk co. I was paying over $100 a month for ins. this was in 1960s dollars

Seriously though...I quit speeding when I seen how much it was costing me:angry:

20 years without one now:cool:
not a bad driver just a heavy right foot and getting caught I mean with abig Hemi under the hood you want to use it in 1970 I started driving a truck and nver got a ticket in 35 years


Is your insurance in force right now?Do you have any non- at fault or at fault claims?

It is important that you replace the Safeco policy before it actually expires. There are many insurance companies that will give you a better rate if you have continuous insurance.

There are other factors that companies use to determine your rate.

Is the email address in your profile your daytime contact?

I can steer you in the right direction if you want.
Va Chris - How is USAA to deal with in claims. I have them for both my house and my car? (My wife's dad is retired military) They have very good prices.
Slsail - if you have homeowners insurance, try that company. Nationwide gives me a killer deal on my cars and boat because of my business with them on the house. Other places you can try are Allstate, which has recently been advertising their willingness to cover "higher risk" drivers or GEICO. You'll end up paying more, but you should still be able to get insurance.

Good luck - JC
I'd agree with Jim C. I have a package deal with State Farm on my house, cars and boat. I have two vehicles that are used to go back and forth to work. Both are fully insured (collision/comp/liability), as is the boat. My wife and I are both covered.

My cost for auto/boat insurance per month is less than $100.00 a month for all.

Of course, I don't have any of that speeding/ticket stuff either. If you have to get assigned risk insurance, it will be steep.


I'm an insurance agent and one of the companies I represent is Safeco. Being that I am in Ca. the rules and underwriting guidelines in our State will differ from yours however, it's probably fair to say that 3 speeds within a three year stretch resulting in cancellation from a prefered driver program is not all that uncommon.

I also represent Mercury Insurance Group and if they write in your State, you should look at them! Out here in Ca. Mercury is fast becomming the "company to have", especially for rates. Mercury (in Ca.) is basically three companies in one. Mercury Insurance, Mercury Casualty and Cal Auto.

MIC being the prefered market, MCC being prefered with a minor slip up and Cal Auto for the not so lucky. Those are not official definitions of each company but the point I am trying to make is that you can stay with one parent company with the appropriate rates for your driving record and still maintain all of the other package discounts (auto and home combined). Most other prefered markets will cancel the auto when the unfortunate happens but maintain the Home. With Mercury you've got to mess-up pretty bad for them to send you down the road.

I hope I helped ya, if you need anything further send me an e-mail [email protected]

Chad L. Dwyer