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Mark Hofman

Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2001
Reaction score
In case you haven't heard, here is a great joke for mindreaders:
Wow that is great! I will share that with my imaginary friends!:D:D
LOL...We know the same people...JR
Don't think that type of humor is acceptable for this forum! LOL :lol:
Don't think that type of humor is acceptable for this forum! LOL :lol:
Oooops! both voices are speaking to Bill in VA again!:unsure:

And he is answering both!:wacko:

Mo... I had already heard it from one of the nine yard gnomes that are always following me around. Good joke though, although I am sure Tox would be offended as it makes fun of bad kissers.:eek:
Mofish, I'd comment but you already know what I was going to say....
Someone told me today that my reality check bounced.

" reality check bounced..."

There is now Diet Coke all over my keyboard and ion my nasal passages... Thanks a lot!@!!

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